Rokeach Values Survey Reflection 

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This assignment provided a deep insight about some of the key values that influence my leadership style. The top terminal value is being a competent and effective leader which is one of the key aspects that enable leaders to achieve organizational goals as well as effectively manage other staff members creating a high-efficient team that leads to high performance. Being competent allows a leader to address challenges that he/she may encounter in their performance of roles. The second terminal value that I chose is forgiving which involves no longer feeling angry or resentful towards a person for a mistake. When working in an organization, it is likely for a leader to cross paths with other members of the organization. If the leader does not forgive the person, this may affect the relationship with the employee which is crucial in achieving the team’s objectives.

Forgiveness had been highlighted as one of the important values for leaders as this helps in maintaining good relationships with other individuals. Due to the diverse cultural backgrounds, it is not possible to completely prevent conflict within the organization. This requires leaders to always forgive members of the organization a value that the members will copy and implement in their different areas of work. The third terminal value that I chose is health which focuses on mental and physical well-being. For any person to effectively function and carry out daily activities, it is important that the person has optimal health since health affects cognitive, emotional, and physical functioning. A healthy leader will better carry out his/her roles within the organization and make effective decisions that will help the organization to achieve the set objectives.

The top three instrumental values are very similar to the terminal values and include being loyal, responsible, and having self-control. Being loyal means a leader is faithful to employees of the organization. This will increase trust between leaders and their employees that leads to increased morale and productivity among the staff. Trust also enables employees to effectively work as a team rather than individuals. Trust is the basis of all human relationships which means that relationships cannot exist without trust. The second instrumental value is being responsible that enables leaders and employees to be more engaged and accountable in delivering results. A responsible leader creates a favorable working environment for their employees that cultivate high performance teams.

Being responsible is also a sign of good character where leaders observe all rules and can be relied on by their followers. Another way of showing responsibility is performing delegated organizational tasks and functions effectively without close supervision. The third instrumental value that I chose is self-control that involves being restrained and self-disciplined. Leaders should have self-control when situations get out of hand that will enable them to make effective decisions. In organizations, certain scenarios may arise that prompt leaders to react interrupting the leader’s performance of his/her roles. Due to the interaction of employees in an organization, conflict is likely to arise between employees and leaders. However, leaders should take control of their feelings and reactions to avoid poor decisions that may negatively affect their relationship with the staff.


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Rokeach Values Survey Reflection . (2020, Oct 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/rokeach-values-survey-reflection/



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Rokeach values theory is a framework used to identify and prioritize individual values. It suggests that individuals hold both terminal values (end goals) and instrumental values (ways of achieving those goals).
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