Prostitution Should Stay Illegal

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Prostitution is the practice of occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Prostitution has been going on for many, many years. There are approximately one million prostitutes here and 45 million worldwide. Which is astonishing because prostitution is illegal. I do not believe that prostitution should ever be legalized because of all the bad things that it can bring to women or men that are involved. Many women that are prostitutes either are doing it to make money for their families or are being trafficked and do not have the choice of what they are doing.

Prostitution is a very violent act. It usually involves unwanted sex and which makes the person that is involved seem like they are enjoying what is going on. Prostitution is limitedly legal in the United Statss which makes it even worse for women, but most states have it completely illegal. Everyone knows that there is prostitution going on in their region but really does not act on it and enforce what is going on which makes people do it more and more since they do not get caught. There are many different kinds of prostitution one kid is called brothel prostitution which takes place in a brothel house. That is a place where prostitutes can sell sexual services. Another form of prostitution is called escort prostitution.

This is always considered entertainment and a massage service. This is the most common form of prostitution and is practiced in many countries. Street prostitution is also another form of prostitution. This is when women go out on the streets and wait for someone to come get them so they can give them sexual pleasures. There is a difference between escort and street prostitution and that is that escort is only a phone call away. These women usually do not have respect for themselves and lose all the love for themselves which causes them to just keep doing it because they are making money to survive. In many different ways there are different levels of how the government is involved like state, local and national.

When someone is a prostitute in New York there is a consequence that they will serve if they get caught. There are laws that apply only to people who sell and people who buy can be convicted of patronizing. There are many different laws that apply to prostitution in the New York. If you are 19 or older beat a school during school hours or where schoolchildren can see the act that will be punished more severely. Those people can get charged up to child offenders which can be life. Prosutiuion is a class B misdemeanor in the New York which is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine for $500 which is taken very lightly, but in a school zone it is a class A misdemeanor which is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine up to $1,000.

If you get caught patronizing a prostitute that is under the age of 17 you are then a registered sex offense in New York, which can cause you to lose your job, lose family, and many friends. Although prostitution seems like it is taken very lightly, it can be a very serious action to take. People get hurt, raped, taken by human traffickers, and also drugged into doing things just so that they can get money. The government is not very strict about prostitution as much as they should be. Although in New York it is illegal to be a prostitute there are many places that do allow it. The government is not strict, I feel that they should become more strict because these women are not going to stop, until they understand the consequences of their actions.

This is not only harming them but it also harms others. There have been many trials about prostitution in the New York court because people have gone so far with to and made a lot of money and then have gotten caught. The government needs to take it more seriously to help these women learn that what they are doing is not good. Prostitution also usually leads to human trafficking which means trading human being for things that people want. Sex trafficking is very big in New York and also Buffalo New York. They usually go after younger girls and boys that they can sell to people and make money. When this does happen they drug the person up so that they do just have any strength or power to move and get out of the situation. You feel helpless and like you are alone.

Many people have heard about prostitution but have not heard a primary source speak out about what she has gone through. Claudia Colimoro was a 35 year old woman with three kids. She worked as a prostitute when she was a secretary in the social welfare office. She had worked for twelve hours in the office but also had to satisfy her boss with sexual desires just to keep her job, which made her realize that she can earn more money if she became a prostitute. She also was involved in the fight against AIDS. Colimoro states “ We needed to teach the other girls about the causes and consequences of this dreadful illness.”

Prostituion can cause people to get sexual diseases that can kill them an Claudia wanted to inform the people what could happen if they did get it and also inform them on how to not get it. Claudia worked with the National Anti-AIDS Association. She also found an alliance CUILOTZIN which helps fight for healthcare and civil rights for prostitutes of both sexes. Claudia was not fighting against prostitution she was fighting for prostitution and to do anything that could help the women in any way possible. She was fighting to gain recognition for the prostitutes rights and to legalize it. She stated “Prostitution is illegal and pushed underground which means that prostitutes have no rights whatsoever.

They would be in a much better prostitution if their profession was legally recognized.” Claudia says that if the prostitution get legalized that the women would be able to pay their taxes without having to surrender money unconditionally to officials and police officers. Claudia was running a very serious campaign and most people weren’t taking her seriously until they realized how serious she was about prostition and trying to help the women get more educated. She also was trying to break the corrupt authorities. She also got attacked for what she believed.

In Minnesota, there was a girl named Carolen Bailey, who was involved in a prostituion case in 1962. She was in 11th grade and met a man at a Mcdonalds in her city. After she met him she had gone back to his apartment, the man knew that she was only in 11th grade and still brought her in. She had stayed with him for 3 nights and was missing from home, she went home for one night and went back with the man and stayed with him until Thanksgiving. She first met him in the summertime so she had been staying with him for a very long time. He had asked her to go out and prostitute for him. He got her to start doing it because he told her he loved, it would be good money and that she wouldn’t have to worry about parents.

She first started going out a month after living with him, he supplied her with a bunch of clothes so she didn’t have to worry about it not having clothes. He wouldn’t tell her what she would be getting herself into. He would just tell her how much money that he wanted her to bring in, which was 300-400 dollars a night. For her being such a young girl going through this is not easy and is very self degrading. She was doing this because of a man that “loved her” but in reality just wanted her to bring in money. She would get driven to an Apartment by one of the guys’ friends Ty and he would drop her off so that she could prostitute herself to get money. She was about 16 years old when this was all happening.

I can only imagine the hurt and pain this girl went through. The situation that she was in was very secretive. She was 16 years old not living at home with her parents, living with a guy that she met who is making her prostitute to bring in money for him. The guy’s name is Frank and he was not only using Carolen but he also had three other girls who were 16, 15 and 12 years old. The girls were taken all over to sell themselves so that he could get money. Carolen was working for a guy that had many other guys to do his dirty work. She was not in a good position and was getting shown wrong things. He would have guys break into houses and steal things for his apartment.

Mind you that this was in the 1970’s so it wasn’t easy to catch who was breaking in and taking your things. Carolen would prostitute and separate weed so that Frank could sell it to people, she would also go around and sell joints for him. She was going down the wrong path and didn’t know how to get out of it. She went to the police because she wanted to help the girls out that were still in it, especially the 12 year old because she didn’t want them going through the same things that she had gone through.

There are many, many places that have prostitution going on. These women and young girls think that is the only way that they will be able to supply for their family or themselves, which is not true. There are many places around the world that have this problem. I have seen it first hand in The Dominican Republic. The women will stand on a corner while the guy that organizes it all sits there and tells them what to do. These women have kids while doing this and also have kids at home that they need to take care of. In my opinion I think prostitution is very degrading and is not something anyone should be getting involved with even if you have nothing else to do.

The people that are prostituting themselves have zero self confidence, usually don’t recommend other people to do it, and just over all have a bad life. Once they have started it’s really hard to get out because they are bringing in good money, but it’s actually dirty money because of how they got it. They are selling themselves just so that they can have money to get food and other important things, but there are many other ways that can be bringing in money. There is also another factor when you are prostituting, that is getting any sexual disease. When you are out there having sexual intercourse or even oral sex you can get many dieses that you can have the rest of your life. I personally would be terrified to do anything of this sort because of all the bad things that can come out of it.

There are many reasons as to why I think prostituion should stay illegal. The biggest reason is that it should be kept illegal because of my faith. When I went to the Dominican Republic , we got to talk to all the men and women that were prostituting themselves and also the “pimps’ ‘ which is what they call the men that run everything down there. We got to share our faith with them and help those people. You can see all the hurt in their eyes because they are selling their bodies to other men and women just so they can support their family, but while they are doing that they are hurting so much worse on the inside.

God loves you for you and will provide if you are loyal to him, we had to remind each and everyone of them so they can know how much there worth actually is not by getting money for their bodies. Another reason is that when you get involved in prostituion you get every single one of your loved ones involved because they have to see that person go through hurt, pain, regret, and many other emotions. It is not an easy “job” to be a prostitute.

When you are a prostitute it’s a greater chance that you will get an STD. This is because you are with many different people and have no clue what they have, you may think that you are protected by using a condom but there is still a chance, 35 to 55 percent of women have had unprotected sex while they were a prostitute, and 10 to 35 women hace never had protected sex while being a prostitude. This means that those women have such a high chance of having any sort of sexual diseases and don’t even know about it.

There are many sides to prostitution though. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, so it is very common to see places with many prostitutes. There is an article of how this guy named Marc McAndrews was in Nevada to take photos of the brothels. He expected the women to be filled with drugs and that is not what he found at all. He would take pictures of these women only during the day because that is when they usually did not have any people at the place. When guests would arrive he would have to pack up all of his things so that he wouldn’t scare them. Most of the women that he photographed had families and spouses, many people think that prostitutes just have drug addictions and do not have families but sometimes they do have a family and do not have a drug problem.

Although there are some “good” aspects to prostitution, these women are still not respecting their bodies and giving everything up just to get some money. I believe that prostituion can break people inside and out. The government has the right mind state right now, but since Nevada has prostituion legalized it does not help with other countries thinking that doing that can help the communities. It will actually make things worse because people are going to keep going to these women or men and pay them which will fuel their sin. The women that really need a job for their families can go out and look in the community for an actual job that will support them in a better way then letting them disrespect themself.

In our generation women’s rights are a big thing. I believe this is why most people think that it is ok to let themself do these things because it’s our body, but in reality it is God’s body. Imagine being a prostitute and getting pregnant with one of the people that you have been with kid. What would you say when you get married and have kids? How would you know what guy it was? You can get STDs without evening knowing that you have an STD. These women can have kids while not knowing if they have an STD and then can pass it down to the child, when the child does not deserve that. Those reasons is why abortion is very high in prostituion. When most women get pregnant while they are a prostitute they abort the baby because it’s a bad reflection of what they are doing, they do not know who the father is, or they just are not ready to have the kid. I do not believe in abortion even if you are a prostitue and get pregnant. These women just do not know what to do.

There are also different ways of prostitution. Sex trafficking is also prostitution because they take women so that they can go out have sex with many different men and bring money in. Sex trafficking is much different then when you choose to be a prostitute. Sex trafficking is very harsh. The men put women or younger girls on many different drugs so that they are very weak and have to do everything they say. The man that runs all of it is called the pimp. When the women or girls do not bring in enough money or have done something wrong they get beaten.

The pimp does not care at all about what the women are going through. All he cares about is the money that they are bringing in. This makes the women/girls hate their loves and go through crazy depression and hatred for men. When or if these women get out of the sex trafficking they are usually scared of men and what they will do to them because they have gotten taken advantage of so many times and those men just did not care at all about them. Although sex trafficking is very scary and bad it is more normal in the United States because we have heard so much about it. Even here in buffalo it is very common.

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Prostitution Should Stay Illegal. (2021, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/prostitution-should-stay-illegal/

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