Pro-Choice or Pro-Life

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Everyday around the world approximately 125,000 women are making the choice to abort their babies. Or as many see there’s 125,000 babies being killed a day by the women carrying. It’s all on how you see it, and what you believe in. So the question is are you “pro-choice” or “pro-life”? The terms ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-choice’ goes down to whether a person believes abortion should be accepted or banned, because people cannot seem to agree on the topic it’s still one of the biggest discussions in America today.

First, let’s start with the pro-life. “Someone who is ‘pro-life’ believes that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability, or quality-of-life concerns,” as said by Tom Head a online journalist for ThoughtCo.com. Basically pro-lifers believe even though the child isn’t born yet, the child has a right to live while being carried to term by the mother. When arguing against pro-choice, I don’t believe pro-life advocates realize all the reasons behind why a woman isn’t trying to be a mother to be. For example she may feel she’s not financially stable to raise a child. She could be a single mother to be and doesn’t want to raise her child without the biological father. However, pro-lifers may argue that the mother could carry the child to term, and then could give the unwanted child to a couple looking to build or start a family.

Now there’s the pro-choicers, according to plannedparenthood.com, “People who are pro-choice believe that women have the basic human right to decide when and whether to have children, based on their own moral and religious beliefs.” Sometimes pro-lifers have the idea that pro-choice is to be “pro-abortion” and that’s not the case at all. Pro-choice is to express that women have the choice on whether or not to keep their baby. “Being pro-choice means understanding that the condition of pregnancy is not an obligation to parenthood and that unless women have the means to achieve sexual and reproductive health, effectively manage their fertility and plan their families, neither of the above conditions can exist,” as said by Jodi Jacobson a journalist for Rewire News.

In conclusion, ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-choice’ goes down to whether a person believes abortion should be a illegal or legal. It’ll probably be an ongoing debate for years to come in America and in the world alone. I believe at the end of the day the goal is lower abortion rates, than to control women. People should start protesting the government for affordable, accessible birth control, good sex education, and good health care for women.


  1. Head, Tom, et al. “A Look at What Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Supporters Believe.” Thoughtco., Dotdash, www.thoughtco.com/pro-life-vs-pro-choice-721108.
  2. “Abortions Worldwide This Year:” United Arab Emirates Population (2018) – Worldometers, www.worldometers.info/abortions/.

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Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. (2021, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/pro-choice-or-pro-life/

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