“Peer Influence on Risk Taking” Article Review

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In the article of Peer Influence on Risk Taking, Risk Preference, and Risky Decision Making in Adolescence and Adulthood, an experimental study was performed and had findings that adolescents are more inclined toward risky behavior and decision than adults. A study with over three hundred individuals in different age groups helped to prove determine this outcome.

The study needed people from groups of middle schoolers age, undergraduate and adults through fliers with the gender being .1% difference with there being a little more girls and there are boys. Majority of participants were of the White and African American background. From reading the article you can tell that the independent variable is the age of all three groups so they can determine who are more inclined with risk taking because it had to be divided into groups by age from the middle schoolers, undergraduate and the adult age. It was hard to get the adolescents together due to their age and needing sign consent forms from their parents in order to participate in this study so it was just randomly all put together in one site.

In a study that was performed, they wanted to see if the participants were going to take risk so they had an assessment with a video game to determined if they would. It’s a computer game, which requires the participants to stop a car before the traffic light turn red and cause a crash. Now the study is trying to see if participants will take the risk because the further you go before being caught by the light or in a crash the more points you get. During this study, gender role were not the issue or what is being looked at but the age of the each group. In the end, the test determines that adolescence are higher in taking risk and adults, but it was only determined that if they’re in groups but not when they’re alone. So it didn’t only determine the adolescents being risky but also that they take risk if there are peers around which is a good addition to the study too.


The study was very interesting to read and to see how they went through the whole process. From deciding the study that they want to conduct to how they want, with how many participants will be apart of the study. It is also respectful on how they go about retrieving the individuals especially the middle schoolers since they are underage. Preparing the study is one the most important part so it is best to do it the correct and accordingly.

The type of study is good enough because it was easy to understand and for every individual to take part of unless it was impossible for them to understand. It was said in the Measures section of the article that there was a 79-year-old participant that was developmentally dissimilar which you can respect that as well for the study to be fair in a sense. The video game was a very good way to study the risk taking because for one is very safe and no will get hurt and it is entertaining it seems reading from the article. Also, because it’s a game and main objective is to get as much points as possible, it’s interesting to see how far a person is going to go to get the points without crashing.

The study is a very interesting one, it just makes you wonder whether the gender should have also been a apart of the results as well. Whether females found the video game boring and uninteresting so the probably did not do their best as they should or any frustration. And also gender should have been a apart of the results because it was mention of how much a percentage of females they were than men and it may have been a more interesting results.

Brief Summary

An experimental study was performed with 306 individuals in three different age groups. The age groups are from adolescents which are like middle school students then there were undergraduate and then there are adults. An experiment was conducted where they had them play a video game that would have them take risk that includes traffic lights in the game. The study suggested that adolescents are more incline than any other individual in an age group to take risk.


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“Peer Influence on Risk Taking” Article Review. (2022, Apr 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/peer-influence-on-risk-taking-article-review/

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