My Kindergarten Friend Eliza

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How can friendships be separated then put back together? It was preschool, kindergarten,and then first grade. Eliza and I were best friends. We always talked and played together. We did not know if anything could keep us apart. But the next year, that is when it all started. It was the first day of second grade, Eliza and I already knew we were not in the same class. We both loved our teachers, but were so upset we were not together.

Very slowly the year went by and it was soon third grade. This year it was even more upsetting than the first. We still were not in the same class. But unlike the last year, we did not talk as much and started to make more friends in our own classes. Even though we did not realize it, our friendship was separating. Eliza and I were friends from the beginning, best friends. How could this be happening? Eliza became best friends with a girl named Mya.

She was very nice but shy. I was already really good friends with a girl named Rose since preschool. As the year passed by, we were both happy, happier than we thought we would be. Than in fourth grade, Eliza and I were again not together. This particular year though, we rarely talked and if we did it was at recess. I was upset but had other friends in my class. I was happy besides the fact Eliza and I were in separate classes. It felt like forever.

We just could not end up in the same class. Thankfully, we both did gymnastics at the same training center and we got to see each other in the evening during the week. We hoped and prayed we would be in the same class in fifth grade and shockingly, we were! Eliza and I were so happy and since we were in the same class, our friendship was slowly coming back together. We talked so much more than we did the past few years.

Since we were in the same class, Mya, Rose, Eliza, and I were and still remain best friends. We have a lot of similarities such as gymnastics, dance, and volleyball. We all also love having sleepovers and going places together. We are all very close. Eliza and I went through a lot the past eight years. Our friendship was seperated for a little bit then put back together.

We met many friends, friends we are still with today! My friends are very kind and funny. If your friends are like mine than you are one lucky person. After all of these things I have been through, I finally realize what a true friendship is!

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My Kindergarten Friend Eliza. (2021, Apr 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-kindergarten-friend-eliza/

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