Impact of Friendship in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Analytical Essay

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson, is set in the 1800’s in London, England. The Novel focuses on Dr. Henry Jekyll consuming, a potion in order to remove his dark impulses from his good side. However, the potion causes him to turn his evil persona who is Edward Hyde; but returns into his natural state at daytime. Dr. Jekyll later commits suicide so he cannot hurt anyone anymore, but when he dies he transforms Mr. Hyde. Stevenson shows many themes including friendship, conflict of internal wars with the external wars and the supernatural. Stevenson highlights the impact of internal wars on friendship, everyone needs good friends, and the damage of keeping secret do to a friendship.

Stevenson is showing that internal wars impact a friendship. Stevenson’s message in this novel is that everyone in the world has inner struggles so people should not take a drastic step which would affect their friendship. The reason this is Stevenson’s message is that the theme in this book focuses on good vs evil. The way Stevenson represented this them in this novel is by showing the inner struggles Dr. Jekyll and Hyde with Dr. Jekyll saying “I concealed my pleasures; and that when I reached years of reflection” (Stevenson 57). This shows that due to Dr. Jekyll’s internal struggle, he is not able to accept what he does not want to be so this caused him to take a drastic action which would cause him to be Mr. Hyde. The reason it affects his friendship is because, in the novel, it causes Lanyon to die from being frightened and made Mr. Utterson reevaluate his friendship with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The second point is when Dr. Jekyll’s second drastic action which is the suicide of Dr.Jekyll and the reason is that he feels guilty due to Mr. Hyde committing sin, prompting him to end his life for the greater good. In the novel, Dr. Jekyll described it as “brief condescension to my evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul” (Stevenson 69). This shows that Dr. Jekyll’s consciousness was hollowing him out which Dr. Jekyll is not able to deal with. This is the reason why his internal war affected his friendship and that is Why Dr. Jekyll needed good friends.

Stevenson suggests that everyone needs a friend. Stevenson’s message in this novel is that everyone needs good friends so you can stay on the right path. The reason for this is because it focuses on the theme of friendship. The reason this is Stevenson’s message is that, in the novel, Dr. Jekyll was closely monitored by Mr. Utterson and to some degree by Lanyon. The way Stevenson represents this theme is by showing Mr. utterson devotion towards his friend dr. jekyll.Another way Stevenson represents the theme of friendship is due to the word friend appearings so many times

The first point is that Mr. utterson is constantly trying to help dr Jekyll by questioning him about Mr. Hyde or that Dr. Jekyll can tell him the truth without worrying but dr Jekyll does not want to tell so he would casually shrug it off. In the novel, Dr. Jekyll would say “ if Jekyll will only let me.” For once more he saw before his mind’s eye, as clear as transparency, the strange clauses of the will.” (Stevenson 16). This shows how much Mr. utterson cares for Dr. Jekyll and the reason dr Jekyll need friends is that he needs someone to take care of him. The second point is when Mr. Utterson mourned about Dr. Jekyll’s death when Mr. Utterson assumed that Dr. Jekyll had died and how Mr. Utterson reacted is “ and a horror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death.” (Stevenson 61). This also shows how much Mr. utterson cares for Dr. Jekyll. This why people need good friends.

Stevenson suggests the damage secrets do to a friendship. Stevenson message for this novel is that keeping secret from your friend can cause your demise as in the case of Dr. Jekyll who ultimately dies in the novel. The theme Stevenson suggested is the impact of a secret. the way Stevenson represent this is by showing Dr.Jekyll keeping secrets from Mr. Utterson. the first point is Mr. Utterson asked Jekyll why he has created a will for Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll lied. dr Jekyll says is “I would trust you before any man alive” (Stevenson 17). This is a lie since he told Mr. Utterson that there is no problem and secondly he said he would trust Mr. Utterson over himself which is lie since dr. Jekyll chose to follow his own instinct.

This shows that Dr. Jekyll does not trust Mr. Utterson that much which also shows how much Mr. Utterson value his friendship compare Dr. Jekyll’s friendship. The second point is when Mr. Utterson tries to find Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll lied and said Mr. Hyde would never come back and for the sake of his friendship, he chose to help dr Jekyll. What Mr. Utterson says is “The lawyer listened gloomily; he did not like his friend’s feverish manner.” (Stevenson ). This shows the effect of Dr. Jekyll keeping a secret from Mr. Utterson he has shown disdain over what Dr. Jekyll is doing. This is why keeping secret from your friend can affect our friendship.

Stevenson highlights the impact of internal wars on friendship, everyone has friends, and the damage of keeping secret do to a friendship. everyone has friends and this is true sind dr jekyll has good friends.the second point is damage of keeping secret do to a friendship because dr jekyll keep many secret. The final point is the impact of internal and external wars impact on their friendship due to a constant struggle. This is why it impact friendship


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Impact of Friendship in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Analytical Essay. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-friendship-in-dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde/

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