My Educational Goals After High School

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Goals Review

I joined SNHU after clearing my high school education and passed well. My parents instructed me to research for a better university outside Saudi Arabia to pursue my college studies, and it turned out to be SNHU. When I first applied to the University and got admitted, my initial goals were to join the college, make good friends, familiarize myself with Alaska and learn more about the State. However, these were mostly outside a school context, for instance; I went hiking with friends that enabled me make many friends whom we studied together in SNHU. My other goals were to develop myself in reading, writing and using smart devices that would enable me gain a better understanding of myself and also gain self-knowledge.

At the moment, I have achieved all my set goals in that I have been able to improve my reading and writing skills in that I can read fluently in English as English is my second language, and I can write well while avoiding grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. With that, I have been able to gain self-knowledge and also been able to understand better myself well. These happened with the help of friendly and respectful professors at SNHU with a better understanding and mode of teaching thus enhancing the learning process. Also, the people of Alaska are respectful and friendly thus providing a humble environment for learning.

Improving on my writing and reading skills have improved my grades and also the way I perceive things in life in that I had gained more confidence in dealing with challenging tasks and situations that I would not be able to do years before I joined the University. In the process of achieving all my set goals, I have been able to understand the cultural practices of Alaskan people and how they percieve things hence enabling me relate well with my fellow students and people in general. It has equipped me with the necessary intra-personal and interpersonal skills.

For this semester, I expect to improve further on my grades and be able to interact with more friends to understand the culture and beliefs of natives in Alaska since I am an international student. Also, I wish to secure a job in one of the best Alaskan firms in order to test and apply what I have learnt in class and also gain more experience where this will apply for this semester and the subsequent ones. In order to better my grades further, I would increase my study time and ensure that I consult with my professors as often as possible in order to get guidance on the areas I don’t understand well and also participate in group discussions. To secure a good job, I am going to attend workshops and seminars which relates to cultural beliefs of the Alaskan people and also pertaining employment opportunities in Alaska. It is going to expose me to the real world experiences hence sharpening my capabilities to assume future responsibilities.

Also, I am going to apply for an internal internship within the university to gain more experience and skills that are a need in the job market thus enhancing my employability standards. My other goals for the subsequent semesters is to sharpen my leadership skills to enable me fulfill my dream of being a leader in my home. To achieve this, I am going to join the students’ union where I will vie for students’ union secretary general position that will enable me advocate for equality for all and also ensure all the needs of students outside and within the university are met. Performing my responsibilities well in the union will equip me with the necessary leadership skills to apply in my home country after clearing my undergraduate program.


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My Educational Goals After High School. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-educational-goals-after-high-school/

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