Media Causes Hate Crimes and Lack of Civil Tolerance

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In this essay, how media is affecting the ethnical matters of young generation, using big headlines and racial comments in the media and social network. How young people see their peers and what is their relationship with them, it is going to be discussed. The media has a very big influence on the community. Media is constantly using false display of ethnical minorities that impacts the mainstream perception. Media images are none neutral in public supply either with the respect to institutional results. The negative image of ethnical minorities covered in the media, is not easy because of the misinterpreted stereotype and sensationalist outline (White and Perrone, 2001).

It is obtained that material basis for at least of this explained public matter is current, although in twisted and sectional form, through the mass media. This occurs particularly when it comes to definite types of street outrage. The status of the street crime ethnicity and racism involved within the youths and their relationship, shows certain contradiction of marginalisation. Actions of young community helps to the street crime and racism. Easily the community crime involves actions of perceived and hatred against another group, either offensive of defensive. In the respect of the fact that youths may be motivated by multiple of reactions to racism and marginalisation, can lead to a conclusion of supporting negative picture of the ethnical monitory youths.

The street-level character of ethnic minority youth is therefore responsibly used against them ideologically and symbolically, as they are broken through various ways of abuse and hate (White and Perrone, 2001). Recent studies have implemented that most of the hate crime are committed by single or groups of young males motivated with organized hate groups (Steinberg, Brooks and Remtulla, 2003). Such crimes have been committed for centuries, it was not until the 1980s that the it contained the recognition as a separate criminal offense currently labelled as hate and bias motivated crimes. The issues and awareness of hate motivated crimes has causes to the public has increased since 1980s because of the extension of the publicity and documentation of the incidents. Obviously, the problem did not happen over the night but is a conclusion of the extending motivation by many categories of society to bring the problem ahead.

Many of the private organizations have such as (NGLTF) National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, have acknowledged that this issue must be managed and recognized that it is a hate motivated crime through their large documentation of hate incidents. From this paper the organizations have posted that the frequency and seriousness in United States of hate motivated violence is increasing since 1980s. After few years, ADL Anti-defamation league, have stated that it recorded 31 bias-motivated murders in 1992, and that number rejected 41 murders that happened while the Los Angels riots. These intelligences showed an era with fast decline in civil tolerance in the United states and a rise in the seriousness of hate-crime incidents which were towards of an increase of ethnic, religious and social groups (Maxwell and Maxwell, 1995).

The newspaper and broadcast media play an important role in increasing the country’s consciousness of hate related crimes. The media have given significant local and national attention of serious violent incidents in which the assaults were motivated by the criminals, hatred towards some of the racial and religious groups (Maxwell and Maxwell, 1995). There is a social learning theory that explains the hate crime. It states that people behaviour to outgroups are impacted by parents and the wider social environment and have discovered that hate crime offenders are most likely to fear of immigrants and diversity (Sun, 2006, p. 598). Over the last 5 years the project of hate crime by the University of Sussex has explained these wider influences of hate crime, discovering or just hearing about an incident, can have meaningful importance.

Many of the attacks take place in England and Wales, the hate crime increased from 29% to more than 80,000 in 2016-17. Hate race violence has the most frequent but victims of crime were violented because of their sexual orientation, religion, disability or because they are transgender. Hearing about the crime in the community brings anger and hatred and by this way it influences people to have hatred against them and this influence spreads around the community (Brown, Walters and Paterson, 2018). Recently, Brenton Tarrant 28 years old in the New Zealand committed a shooting in the Muslim mosque, were 49 of the refugees were shot dead in attack. The criminal was broadcasting the live video on the social network where it influenced the people world widely. The perpetrator is from the white racist subculture. So, it is evident that hate crime does exist between the religion and ethnicity. As the suspect comes from the racist subculture, it is very likely that the hatred towards the Muslim minority group in the New Zealand is current and it happens every day around the world.

Social media has a very big influence on people and it spread very quickly around the world. This incident shows how easy it was to commit this type of an action and it encourages other hate crime groups or single person to commit the same crime as it was an easy planned action. It shows a hatred between two subcultures and therefore it is possible that the subculture that has been attacked will want to bring a revenge for the protection of his own religion or subculture. With this type of actions, it shows the world that there is a hatred just because of different culture, religion or race. People do not se others as people any more but more as a religion.

Whereas in comparison Franklin (2000) (Sun, 2006, p. 598) discovered that preparators of homophobic assaults were furthermore motivated by their peer’s ideology (Ellis and Hall, 2010). Besides psychological theories, there exist more of competing paradigms. From the look at hate crime it is used as an instrument to claim and to keep the strength structure in society (Ellis and Hall, 2010), in the contribution of the European and US traditions of anomie, which was used to describe, understand and mostly provide an overcoming possibility for hate crime (Burke and Pollock, 2004).

There is another theory that states hate crime is being a creation of boredom, retaliation and apparent need to defend one’s territory from outsiders. Obviously theorizing the hate crime is complex land to talk (McDevitt, Levin and Bennett, 2002). Craig (2002) is debating that there is not even one theory that suggests and explains sufficiently all types of hate violence. This is because of the factors like committers motivation, victims’ characteristics and cultural ideologies, vary decidedly for each crime. It must be considered that the influence of the hate crime can be motivated by more than one factors, social, psychological, political and other. One of the biggest discussions around of the passing the legislation that looks to perform and increase punishment for hate crime is Crime and Disorder Act 1998 in England and Wales (Ellis and Hall, 2010).

A meaningful mount of study has researched multiple elements of newspaper coverage and their impacts on society (Kiesha, 2018). The study shows that in the UK, the minority Muslim group faces a rush in hate crime that are particularly obvious after terrorist attacks far from where they live. Islamophobic hate crime and incident occurrence all started after a Jihadi attack. One of the good examples of the UK’s newspaper named ‘The Sun’, shows a hate crime against the Muslims by using a big subheading stating that ‘1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for Jihadis, in this sense it violented the minority group and brings a tension in between the subcultures (Ivandic, Kirchmaier and Machin, 2019).

Several studies have discovered the role of media in the formation of moral panic based on the fear of crime. The Colomb and Damphouse (2004), have described the moral panic as episodes that provokes the group of people to observe concern, agreement hostility, volatility and disproportionality. The results suggest that in between the 1998-1999 America was in a condition of moral panic because of hate crime. It has been discovered that the main contributor factor to this moral panic was the sensationalized and big amount of media coverage of hate related incidents.

Multiple of studies have found that the role of media in the foundation of moral panic is to frame a story that shape the eyesight of the community, through which they malign a group founded on that group’s representation in the story. Programme settings in the term used to describe the forming of stories through the media. Media outlets the programme settings in they way which they could make stories related to social problems and crimes (Cohen, 2002). Theory of created agenda settings states, that representatives of media plays unimportant job in formation perceptions of reality individuals emphasised in reporting news that they observe to be newsworthy (Kiesha, 2018).


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Media Causes Hate Crimes and Lack of Civil Tolerance. (2021, Jan 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/media-causes-hate-crimes-and-lack-of-civil-tolerance/

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