Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

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Wellness and fitness, both mental and physical, is crucial to living a healthy life. Wellness is defined as a process where one is functioning at an optimum level due to creating healthy changes on an ongoing basis throughout the life course (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 2). Wellness focuses on achieving peak health, both physical and mentally, by emphasizing behaviors that benefit the body (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 2). Physical fitness is when a person is able to perform daily activities without excessive fatigue, but instead with vigor and with the proper amount of energy to enjoy leisurely activities (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 2). In this paper, I will go over several topics related to fitness and wellness, their role in my life now and ten years from now.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

The ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver appropriate amounts of oxygen to the body during extended periods of physical activity is referred to as cardiorespiratory endurance (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 62). Having great cardiorespiratory endurance has many benefits such as getting fatigued less easily, and with regular participation in aerobic exercises, there is a decrease in the chance of getting cardiovascular disease, becoming obese, and having low back pain (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 62). Improving cardiovascular endurance has not been very important to me, but this class has encouraged me to put more focus into improving it.

Ten years from now I hope to see myself at maximal oxygen uptake by actively participating in activities such as walking, or swimming (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 62). In addition, by this time I hope that I will have a cardiorespiratory endurance program that I follow rigidly, that consists of a 5 minute warm-up, aerobic exercises appropriate for my target heart rate (THR), and a ten minute cool down (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 68-69). Over the next ten years, I hope to apply the progressive-overload and specificity principles to increase my fitness level (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 69).

Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance

The maximum amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can generate in a single effort is called muscular strength, and when a single muscle, or a group of muscles, contract repeatedly, this ability is called muscular endurance (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.78). Exercising has the potential to increase both of these, which is why I hope ten years from now I am actively participating in a well-designed muscular strength and endurance program (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.78).

In the near future, I hope to assess my current fitness levels in order to start to design a fitness program with realistic goals and the appropriate equipment (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 97). My goal for the future is to mostly maintain my current body but improve areas where I have excess fat, like my stomach and arms. So in order to achieve this, my program will focus on my abdominal muscles as well as my biceps and triceps.


When a joint has the ability to move through its full range of motion, it is considered flexible (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.102). Flexibility is often forgotten in most exercise programs, but flexibility has many benefits (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.102). To list a few, being physically flexible can prevent injuries, prevent low back pain, and improve posture (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.102). So in order to increase my own flexibility, in the near future I will be assessing my current level of flexibility in order to begin creating a stretching program (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.113).

In this program I will be applying the overload, progression, and specificity training principles according to my unique needs (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p. 102). This will involve adjusting the frequency, intensity, and duration of exercises in the program to reach maximum flexibility (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.102). In ten years I see myself still maintaining my maximum flexibility.

Emotional and Social Dimensions of Wellness

Conducting daily tasks and activities in the midst of accompanying stress while being attentive to one’s own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors is what defines emotional wellness (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.150). An emotionally well individual exhibits high self-esteem, adequate levels of psychological stability, and positive personality traits (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.150). Most of all, this individual has a sense of worth (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.150).

I believe that I am an emotionally well individual, although I think my self-esteem tends to fluctuate every once in a while. Whether one likes or dislikes who one is, doubts or believes in oneself, values or belittles one’s worth, and just an overall evaluation of oneself is how self-esteem is defined in the textbook (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.150). I believe overall, I love myself, and I know I have worth, but sometimes I doubt myself, as I’m sure plenty of people do. There are times when I wish I was further along with my education, or my career, but I have to remind myself to be patient and tell myself that I am enough right now.

I have very high expectations and goals for myself, I just need to give myself time to achieve them. Generally, however, I am a very upbeat and positive person, and I tend to function well when I’m surrounded by people who share my same level of positivity. In addition, I believe my spirituality also plays a positive role in my life, so I do agree with the textbook that it has helped me develop greater resilience to stress, and achieve greater overall satisfaction with life (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.152).

I believe that my social wellness continues to develop as I am getting older. I used to be very shy about four years ago, but in recent years I have been exposing myself more to the world and the people in it. I feel that I am continually becoming more socially competent and confident. I also have become more active in the video gaming community this past year and have developed many friendships because of it.

The textbook states that social connections have powerful effects on the emotional and physical health of individuals, because it influences our physiology (Screws, & Shorter, 2018, p.152). I believe very strongly in this, as I think that I am a perfect example of that. Overall, I believe that in ten years from now I will be a more self-assured person, and an even more exemplary communicator.


While I may not put much focus on physical fitness and wellness, I am very attuned to my emotional and social wellness. I know where I am at right now, I know where I want to be, and I’m learning to be patient with myself until I get to where I see myself in the future. Physical fitness has never been a big worry of mine, but I am interested in refining my current hourglass figure. So, in the future, whether sooner or later, I see myself only putting more effort into my cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and emotional and social dimensions of wellness.


  1. Screws, D., and Shorter, A. (2018) Lifetime Fitness and Wellness (5th edition reprint). Dubuque, IA. Kendall/Hunt.

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Lifetime Fitness and Wellness. (2021, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/lifetime-fitness-and-wellness/



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