Late-Term Abortion Should be Illegal

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Still in America, abortion remains legal under federal law up to the ninth (last month) in a woman’s pregnancy. At this point in time, it is feasible for that baby to survive on its own outside of the mother’s womb. This is known as late-term abortion or partial-birth abortion. The viability of the fetus characterizes the point at which an abortion is considered late-term. 13,000 deaths. 13,000 babies who are viable to survive outside of the womb are killed every year in the US (Rose). Thousands of fully developed babies are murdered annually without ever having a say in their own life. Should the government be allowed to take away a baby’s right to survive? Society, statistics, and morals are saying no. All states are beginning to consider banning late-term abortion.

Late-term abortions/partial births are when fetuses who are able to survive on the outside of their mother’s womb are aborted, or in other words, killed. Could the aborting of babies be considered murder? Due to this question, thirty-six states already have laws making late-term abortion illegal (Nolan-Haley). An infant born alive after a late-term abortion should be entitled to the same rights of all infants born alive (Nolan-Haley).

Abortion is being negatively used as a birth control. A woman aborting the fetus growing inside of her can be due to a rape incident, incest, or diseases present in the baby. But commonly, women in the United States are using abortion as a way that they can have sex, get pregnant, but not have to worry about having a child. Birth control has always been designed to prevent pregnancy (“Birth Control”). However, abortion cannot be used to prevent pregnancy; it is used to terminate a pregnancy after a woman is already pregnant. Using abortion as birth control is not ethical because the baby is already conceived and growing. Late-term abortion cannot be used as birth control because the baby could viably be born at that given time and you are exterminating a child instead of preventing one.

Abortions are not morally sound and go against religions. Babies aborted during late-term abortion are able to feel pain but they have no rights protecting them against that. The Senate vetoed a bill that was anticipated to ban abortions after a woman is past twenty weeks. This bill, Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, was drafted with hopes of outlawing the abortion of unborn babies from the point at which they can feel pain. Because Senate blocked the bill, it means that America still remains one of just seven nations that permit elective abortions after twenty weeks of pregnancy (Damstra).

Abortion after twenty weeks requires crushing and dismembering a baby. Body parts from the child, of whom acquired a functioning nervous system and was capable of feeling pain, are then pulled through the birth canal. After twenty-five weeks, abortions require stabbing the child in the heart or brain with a heart-attack inducing drug! And while these late-term abortions are rarely talked about, there are around 13,000 of such abortions performed each year in the US. Seven out of 198 nations on this earth permit late-term abortion (Damstra). How should the people of this society feel living in a country of those seven nations that supports the bloodshed of these tiny, innocent humans?

Science proves that there are countless health and mental effects to the mother, the mother’s family, and the baby’s father after any type of abortion. Dangerous effects increase significantly as the abortion is classified ‘late-term’. The risk of serious complications from an abortion, for the mother, increases with weeks’ gestation. The government is in pursuance of protecting women’s health with new laws about late-term abortion (Shrage).

Late-term abortion has many more negative effects on people than positives. This is the reason states are beginning to make laws to ban abortion late-term. ‘Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized — the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grow old’ (Kennedy, Ted).

Works Cited

  1. “Birth Control | Contraception | Contraceptives.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 6 Sept. 2018, medlineplus.gov/birthcontrol.html.
  2. Damstra, Eddie. ‘The Shameful Status of Abortion Law in America.’ University Wire, 01 Feb. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, sks.sirs.com.
  3. Nolan-Haley, Jacqueline, and Anne Noltes. ‘Beyond the Reach of Roe v. Wade.’ Newsday, 28 Jul. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, sks.sirs.com.
  4. Rose, Lila. “Nearly 13,000 Late-Term Abortions Annually Is a National Disgrace.” TheHill, 26 Oct. 2016, thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/302232-nearly-13000-late-term-abortions-happen-every-year-a.
  5. Shrage, Laurie. ‘How to Talk about Abortion.’ New York Times (Online), 19 Mar. 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, sks.sirs.com.

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Late-Term Abortion Should be Illegal. (2021, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/late-term-abortion-should-be-illegal/

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