Internship Experience

  • Updated February 18, 2022
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Trying to sum up all the experiences I’ve had at Tikaj in just a few paragraphs is quite challenging. This internship has taught me more than I could have imagined. Not only did they help me grow as a person and developer while I was there, but they also gave me the opportunity to find a path for myself. Not knowing what to do next can be one of the hardest questions to answer in life. They helped me find a direction for my future, and now I can ‘rest’ easy for the months to come.

As a Web Design and Development Intern, I feel my duties were diverse and dynamic in nature. I’m grateful for experiencing and learning so many things over the past few months at a fraction of the time that it took my peers.

Coming to this place, as a computer science fresher, I felt that I had no idea where my career was going and I lacked confidence about what I could do and what I am good at. My internship has helped me comprehend my expertise and where my career may take me, but most importantly, what I really want to do.

Creativity was a huge prerequisite for me. I have always enjoyed the freedom for innovation. Not only did they grant me this freedom, but they welcomed it. But creating something you think is cool as a fresher, and something suitable in a professional environment could not be more different. They gave me a platform to polish my raw skills. I had to learn to adapt to this new environment but it started a cycle. The more I learned, the more I was intrigued, the more questions I wanted to ask. The internship has ended but I still find myself from time to time, casually reading and learning about design and development.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect from my first position in an office atmosphere. Despite the relaxed environment, I have learned how to behave in the workplace. I feel prepared me for whatever my next position may be by working here.

This internship has ehanced my skills a great deal, both off paper and on.

  • I didn’t realize all of this at the time, but this position served not only as a positive learning experience but a resume builder as well.
  • I came into this with basically a naked resume, now I am leaving with lots of updating to do.

As I leave, I want to thank everyone here at Tikaj who has helped me out. This has been a great learning experience and I’ll be indebted to those who gave me a hand.

For the future interns, all I can say is remember to work hard, and ask questions. They will find the time to answer your questions to the best of their abilities. If not, they’ll learn and grow with you. Hopefully, you come away from your internship with as much as I did. Thanks, everyone!

Cite this paper

Internship Experience. (2021, Mar 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/internship-experience/

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