Table of Contents
Industrial was an approximately un-effected by the depression. The principal mineral industry, coal, on the other hand, suffered a good deal with the depression. The production and consumption of coal in India is only partially dependent on industrial activity in the country. And is the large part of the demand for Indian coal is that for bunker coal, by railroad, and for export.
The industrial evolution of India, an enormous revolution in the procedure of transport it has converted in the whole world into a one market, and this brought about the state of things in which the old economics units have been replace. The forces making for a change in economic conditions of new work through the whole countries.
One of the first cause operating towards an economic transition we supposedly the establishment of British rule in India, and also concur with the beginning of the competition of British manufactures with Indian industry, But the establishment of British rule itself was a slow and a protracted process. For though Bengal was acquired at the time of Clive, upper Burma was an appropriate only under the “viceroyalty of Lord Dufferin”. The important factor is the introduction of a new revenue system, or rather system, for they differed widely through different provinces by the British, and also the introduction of a new system of judicial administration.
An Effect direction no means large, the main and the really important factor, which brought about an economic transition, was the opening up of India by means of roads, railways and the new steamship routes. It is which brought the Indian makers and the Indian supplies of raw materials closer to the West, and that really an affected organization of Indian industry society.
Qualitative data: this research based on scientific methods, and subjective.
Literature review
The agriculture, through the contact and commerce of India with the West had been going on for many centuries, this had not affected India’s economic structure at all till the nineteenth century.
It was only after the series of inventions that led to the application of mechanical power to manufacture on a large scale that the English Industrialist gained a considerable advantage through the Indian artisan. It was at about the same time that England acquired a large part of India, and that new administrative and judicial systems were introduced into the land.
These later had in many parts the effect of depressing the condition of the people, or off undermining old institutions like the village community as a self-contained administrative unit. The competition of the English industrialist, however, was a more important factor.
But even though the foreign manufacture was able to beat the Indian artisan in this competition, the entire lack of communications in the interior of India sorely handicapped him, and during the first half of the nineteenth century the only industries that were seriously affected by foreign competition were the Dacca muslin industry.
One of the first cause operating towards an economic transition we perhaps the establishment of British rule in Indian industry.
Another important factor was the introduction of a new revenue system, or rather system, for they differed widely through different provinces by the British, and also the introduction of a new system of judicial administration.
It’s this which brought the Indian makers and the Indian supplies of raw materials closer to the West, and that affected the organization of Indian industry society.
But even though the foreign manufacturer was able to beat the Indian artisan in this competition, the entire reduction of communications in the interior of India sorely handicapped him, and during the first half of the nineteenth century, the only industries that were seriously affected by foreign competition were the Dacca muslin industry.
It was at about the same time that England acquired a large portion of India, and that new administrative and judicial systems that introduced into the land.