How to Deal with Negative Emotions

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Heartbreak, a moment of great emotional suffering and sorrow. A series of sleepness, due to uncontrollable tears and negative thoughts. A feeling people experience after losing someone who they loved or deeply cared for. Thinking that life cannot go on. An emptiness of the soul. Breakups can create this lonely feeling. Something no one wants to endure. If people do not overcome this, it can lead to depression. The losing of friends, family, relationships, or significant objects which causes your heart to “break”. During this time all hope is lost and no happiness can enter you body.

All sad songs on the radio seem to speak to you. There is no remedy to it, only time can help you beat this heartache. Everyone will be faced with this emotion once in their lifetime. Going through this will leave you craving for joy. This overwhelming distress can cause physical problems, such as headaches, dehydration, nausea, or vomiting. It can also cause stress, drowsiness, and insomnia.many people have become accustomed to these sensations. Throughout time, this emotion has been around humanity so it is not a surprising or rare thing. however , everyone has various ways to describe this despair.

Over time people have expressed their feelings of heartbreak through different forms of media. Songs for example, Marvin Gaye “ I heard it through the grapevine” that say “ I know that a man isn’t suppose to cry , but these tears I can’t hold inside… losing you would end my life you see, cause you mean that much to me”. Strong lyrics for such an intense emotion.

Artists like Frida Kahlo and Edvard Munch have used this emotion to demonstrate heartbreak through their artwork. Although people may say that this grieving time is one of the most worst experiences to occur, it can actually be a time period of growing to be a better person. People can use this pain to build up character, learn lessons and to find a greater meaning.

To have stronger personal values a person must encounter a sense of confusion. It is critical for a person to have a connection with this emotion in order for them to progress and thrive in society today. It is essential for everyone’s mind to have a mourning that is difficult to handle in order to have a successful life. Heartbreak is a journey into an abyss of self discovery that can be a climax for emotional well being. Everyone’s passage is quite different and one of a kind like a fingerprint to the soul. No heartbreaks are ever alike, but the emotions felt are universal to mand-kind. Heartbreak is a universal theme that transcends throughout time.

As long as people live and love heartbreak will exist. It will find you and when it does you will need to understand that it will pass and how you endure it determines your emotional outcome. I wish i could tell you it only comes once in your lifetime , but unfortunately you are going to journey throughout this emotion several times in your life. Overcoming heartbreak is a matter of time and understanding. While going through this time period instead of feeling bad for yourself and thinking “ why me ?” distinguish on how this struggle can help you improve in the future.

For example, let’s say you and your significant other broke up and you start to feel as if like cannot go on any longer. You have to look at all the positive outcomes that can come from this. As the saying goes “ everything happens for a reason”. Life will not throw you something you will not be able to overcome. Take this time to review the goals that you want for your future self. Gain knowledge of what this experience is unfolding to you. Use the knowledge that you gain to create a greater worth for yourself.


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How to Deal with Negative Emotions. (2021, Jul 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-deal-with-negative-emotions/



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