How is the Entertainment Industry Fighting Piracy

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Piracy is the equivalent of stealing, but piracy is much worse than stealing and it’s on a much bigger scale. Piracy funds terrorist organizations and drugs, it has also cost jobs these are some issues that piracy causes. The entertainment industry endures many things like piracy and we can stop it. Piracy is a massive issue worldwide and takes every day from the film and music industry.

Before I begin I would like to tell you all about piracy if you don’t know what it is or are aware of it. Piracy is the illegal selling of copying and selling DVDs and CDs which generates money to fund criminal orginizations. Piracy can be done through file sharing or buying them at markets. Piracy is the equivalent of stealing from someone, it costs jobs and it steals money. That is what piracy is and what you need to know about it before I begin.

The effects of piracy are dreadful it costs jobs, money, and industries. Music piracy in Thailand is shocking, with Thailand having a revenue loss of $20-$50 million dollars so that means the company can make way fewer products than it already can. Village Roadshow has conducted a study and had found that 89.9% of BitTorrent files were illegal. The head of the Motion Picture Association of America also known as the MPAA said that people will start losing their jobs if they can’t keep copyrighted material safe. Those are the effects of piracy and what damage it is doing around the world.

How is piracy getting around to people that is another question people ask and what does it look like? Piraced items get around in many different ways through file sharing sites and markets and is hard to notice. Pirated items get around through file sharing sites like BitTorrent which is on the Dark Web. The way this happens is by people sharing the music or movies and then that is made into a disc. At markets that disc is sold to people and they buy it and watch it at their homes. To identify pirated copies they may not have a normal film certificate or none at all. That’s how pirated items get around and how to identify them.

Piracy is being dealt with around the world but piracy is not being stopped around the world. Surprisingly, a Cold War technology is being used to stop piracy by tracking pirated copies by putting a chip in the original copy and when the original is copied the chip is still in the copied version then that is tracked. A new family entertainment and Copyright act targets people who put films or music online before they release to the public. In Springvale and Templestowe which are in Australia, police raids have been conducted and they have reached the $2 million mark on a raid against piracy. That’s how piracy is being dealt with around the world and the results are getting significantly better.

There are other ways piracy is being stopped so let’s go through them and see these inventive ways. There was something introduced by Howard Berman that was a way to spam to slow down hackers and stop computer networks that allow unauthorized file sharing. Another way was that BMG teamed up with Phoenix-based SunComm to create something that allows where CD’s cannot be copied and that secure versions are embedded in the disc. Those are some more inventive ways to stop piracy and they are pretty interesting.

The punishments for piracy are pretty big if you are caught pirating films, music, or any other form of entertainment. There is this massive fine you have to pay and it’s $250,000 if you are found pirating. There is also a 5-year jail penalty, you either have to pay the $250,000 or you have to spend 5 years in prison. If you are caught filming in a theater with a camera then you have to spend 3 years in jail. Those are the punishments of pirating music, films, books, and any other forms of entertainment.

A question that is asked sometimes is that is piracy stoppable around the world? The reason I ask this question because is it really because pirates hide under the radar and sell there pirated items for $10-$20. Piracy has left China’s mainland but boats from other areas still smuggle in pirated DVDs and CDs. Still, there are police raids and other policies used like copyright law and tracking chips. So is piracy stoppable and if so can we stop it and how are we going to accomplish that goal?

Another question is where does all that pirated money made from those movies and music CD’s and DVD’s go to? That money goes to the illegal selling of drugs and people that sell the drugs which allows them to get more drugs and it goes on. Piracy also funds gans and the selling of weapons that the public can’t quite use. Piracy also funds terrorist organizations by allowing them to buy weapons and explosives. That is what piracy funds and another reason to stop piracy now not later.

We have reached the conclusion of our journey through the dangerous world of piracy. Previously we have learned that piracy devastates industries and makes people lose their jobs from this and how to identify it. We do know that piracy can be stopped by police raids, Cold War technology, and the Law. Piracy has cost the industry so much money however is it stoppable? Piracy must be stopped and it can be stopped by the police and the copyright law helping out.

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How is the Entertainment Industry Fighting Piracy. (2021, May 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-is-the-entertainment-industry-fighting-piracy/

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