Homework for Student: Good or Bad? Argumentative Essay

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Many students in this century has stressed over their homework. The student may have plenty of times. It is not like they haven’t been at school for long hours doing work or anything. School is already stressful enough, and having homework at home, which is a place to relax. In my opinion homework itself helps the students get more practice with what they’re learning at school; some say that it stresses kids out too much. First, I am not disagreeing with the statement that said, “Homework for student is outdated and should be stopped entirely”.

In the beginning, homework is other medium for student to revise what they had learnt at school or other study institution. There was a research said that student that do homework tend to be flying colours in exam compared to who is not doing it. By doing homework, student can improve the memory strength beside train their memory cell, that related to the brain system. If the student, tend to repeat that same thing over again and again, then they will remember what they did wrong.

Base on my experience, there was a student that always doing homework, at the end his result was 4 flats, this is a proof that homework is important. On the other hand, I understand why homework is so important. If you don’t understand something, taking it home and working on it there might help you understand it.

Maybe after a long day at school, your mind can finally focus on one subject, which enhances your ability to understand it. Maybe if the most important classes were the only ones to give you homework, life would be easier.

Beside the benefit of homework, by doing homework does not necessarily mean that you’ll get better grades. Sometimes it might even make it all bad. It can make a student feel stupid when they don’t fully understand a subject. The school board of education needs to keep in consideration that we as students have a personal life outside of school. Student already got things to worry, and homework just add more burden to us.

Homework can go either way, it can be a positive thing, but it can also be a student’s worst nightmare. Sometimes a student has many upcoming tests they must study for. That has happened to every student at some point.

For example, mid-term of this semester, I had an upcoming test for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and plus all I have many homework and assignment to be done in a short period. Sometime unstable sleep schedule makes me feel tired as I am not the type of person who can stay up all night long.

Finally, my point is If a student does not understand how to solve the homework, we don’t have a personal teacher or tutor there to help us. In a survey among my friends, many said that it is more stressing trying to do your homework without any help, especially if you don’t completely understand it. It is also very hard to get help online as it uses a high language that cannot be easily understand by students although they are using dictionary.

Also, if you’re getting help online, it is harder to focus, and you don’t get that one on one interaction with an instructor. In examination context, generation of kids worry more about passing and getting good grades than understanding the subject and getting an education that will lead to cheating.

In conclusion, yes, I am agreeing with the statement that said, “Homework for student is outdated and should be stopped entirely”. Homework might be good in some cases, but if you look at some point of views, homework is more stressful than helpful. Once you become a student, you will forever be a student rather than a teenager

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Homework for Student: Good or Bad? Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/homework-for-student-good-or-bad/

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