Globalization at a Crossroads Summary

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The Importance of being a Global Citizen

The Importance of being a global citizen is someone who is not just not concerned with their own community values but is aware and concerned with other cultures and global issues such as environmental, political, social, and economic issues. This paper will discuss the difference of globalism and globalization, and focus on being a global citizen, the benefits of advance technology, the outcomes, and the disagreement of theorist reasoning of global citizen.

The Difference of Globalism and Globalization

Globalism in simpler words, is the way people and the way countries come together. The idea of globalism is to benefit everyone’s needs. Globalization is the integration of the world through trade of goods and services.

Globalization is two sided with the financial side of global investments, currency, and stock and the free of trade with open markets for exporting and importing. There are many faces of globalization, some feel that globalization is ruthless exportation from corporations, and some feel globalization brings economic growth to the people around the world. China has the largest economy, with the most money in export trading, while the United States owes more money to countries for its trade deficit than any other nation.

The advancement of technology

Before the advancement of technology, and able to use the computer, the process of looking for a job required looking through a newspaper and then applying in person. To look for a job now doesn’t even require for someone to leave their house. All you have to do is go online and upload your resume to the jobsite or source. Technology can help a global citizen personal, academic and professional goals. Being able to connect to colleague’s increase’s the growth and scope of work and creates new opportunities.

A global citizen who is committed and dedicated to World Hunger for example, can use the advancement of technology for debates and solutions. The advantage of trade of goods, and the interconnectedness around the world with people messaging on their phone, satellite, television, radio, and internet brings increase in income. The disadvantage is more crimes, diseases that are spread, and even terrorism.

Theorist disagreement on what is globalization

Theorist viewpoints on the behavior of people vary. Theorist in philosophy believe morality and ethics, education theorists believe in global awareness, and others disagree all together because they are no concrete legal recognition of global group management. Golmohamad (2008) equates global citizenship with international citizenship, while Haugestad (2004) suggest that a global citizen is concerned about social justices, a “world citizen” is concerned about trade and mobility, and “earth citizen” is concerned about the environment. Global citizenship is awareness, caring, embracing cultural diversity while promoting social justice and sustainability coupled with a sense of no responsibility to act. (Snider, Reysen, & Katzarska-Miller, in press).
The outcomes of consistent themes regarding antecedents
Reysen, Pierce, Spencer, and Katzarska-Miller (2012b) reviewed global literature and interviewed global citizens.

They found consistency of outcomes of global citizenship for betterment of the world. Outcomes consisted of intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, and intergroup helping. Two outcomes that I can Identify for myself is intergroup empathy, and valuing diversity. In the consistency of global outcomes, the definition of global citizenship as awareness, caring, and embracing cultural diversity while promoting social justice and sustainability, coupled with a sense of responsibility to act (Snider, Reysen, & Katzarska-Miller, in press).
My definition of global citizenship is to understand and respect cultural diversity.

Outcomes of being a global citizen

Two outcomes that I can identify for myself is valuing diversity which is the interest and appreciation for the diverse cultures of the world. (Dower, 2002b: Golmohamad, 2008). I worked as a manager for seven years at a restaurant up until last year, and the owners were Korean. Within those seven years we considered ourselves a family. I was always asking questions about their culture/heritage because I found it interesting.

The owner’s daughter was going to have a baby, the staff and I sat down with the owner and asked if we can have a baby shower. She explained the traditions of Korean women, and I found out how different their culture is from American culture. After a Korean woman has a baby, she goes home for at least 2 weeks no one is allowed to come to the house. After an American woman has a baby, friends, family can see the baby the same day. I would find it very hard not to see my grandbaby right away. But that is what makes valuing diversity so interesting is the appreciation of other cultures. Another outcome that I identified as being a global citizenship.


Cite this paper

Globalization at a Crossroads Summary. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/globalization-at-a-crossroads/



What are the 2 sides of globalization?
The two sides of globalization are the benefits of increased interconnectedness and economic growth, and the negative consequences of inequality, cultural homogenization, and environmental degradation. Ultimately, globalization is a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative impacts on societies and individuals around the world.
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The three views of globalization are the following: 1) That globalization is a good thing because it encourages cultural understanding and international cooperation. 2) That globalization is a bad thing because it results in the homogenization of cultures and the loss of traditional values. 3) That globalization is a mixed bag, with both positive and negative effects.
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The four impacts of globalization are economic, social, political, and cultural.
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