Future of Quantum Computers

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While there is still much research and experimentation to be done with quantum computing, the concept of such a machine makes it very much unlike modern computers, both in design and functionality. As a result, it is predicted to have a much higher processing power to solve intractable problems that are so complex and costly, both in time and energy. These are problems that not even the best supercomputers have been able to answer. Having a computer that can tackle such problems will open up a plethora of new possibilities for humanity, but will consequently present several issues.

Quantum computers may be thought of as a complete new species of machines due to differences in the most basic building block. Modern computers use transistors, which switch either high or low to store bits. As computers have evolved, transistors have scaled down in size significantly, currently to about 14 nanometers, but it’s core function has not changed dramatically. Microprocessors, which make up modern machines, are billions of these switches on a single silicon chip.

Following the trend of decreasing in size, the most basic element of quantum computers are atoms and ions, which are smaller than a nanometer, and store quantum bits. These “qubits” aren’t only limited to having a 1 and 0 value, but could also be a multitude of combinations at any given time. They completely disregard the rule of being either high or low, an idea called superposition, perhaps the most significant reason why quantum computing surpasses typical methods.

This superposition allows quantum computing to work in a parallel manner as opposed to a serial manner. Modern computers carry out one action at a time until a task is completed. However, despite the speed of modern computers, quantum computing works in a parallel manner, allowing it to perform several actions simultaneously. It isn’t just limited to being high or low, 1 or 0 anymore. It can be multiple of these states at once, thus allowing problems to be solved much faster.

Industries that utilize large sums of data will benefit significantly from quantum computing. A prime example is computers that predict the weather by taking in several parameters and generating a forecast. Although possible, modern computers require a lot of time to generate very detailed models, and thus, this might be impractical especially in situations where time plays a large role, such as evacuating a storm.

Quantum computing could allow for more precise, timely reports. Likewise, online shopping and banking sites are secured based on the promise that it will take virtually forever for modern machines to be able to factor very large prime numbers. However, a quantum computer may be able to crack this code easily as it can work much faster, thus putting millions of users at risk. Consequently, quantum computers may be used to create more secure barriers.

While quantum computing has much to be said about it, a lot of what it is is still concepts and theory. Many large companies, such as Google, IBM, and Intel have begun working on their own variations of the technology. Yet, as much as we have developed technology, our understanding of these machines is still limited. There are several downsides as well, including the fact that not all intractable problems may be solvable on these computers as a result of the methods that are being used to solve the problem.

Cite this paper

Future of Quantum Computers. (2021, May 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/future-of-quantum-computers/



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