Family as a Basis of the Civil Society

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For me, the word family embraces a great meaning, since it expresses a sense of unconditional love and special friendship. I have been able to notice since the previous times that the family develops an important role in society. I can also define a family as a group of people united by kinship, or united by blood, with whom I can have a good relationship and I am united by a strong friendship, I mean a strong union. My family is made up of different people like my dad, mom, brother, and I also have grandparents and uncles.

Throughout the history of humanity I have been able to realize that the family is very important and plays a fundamental role. I have heard many people say that the family is the base of society, and the first school of man. I think that is because the family is the first social circle of the human being. Within the family I can learn the values of life such as love, which is the feeling that makes me worry and care for someone. Also the respect, not only towards my family but with all those that around me in their opinions and feelings. Another value that I can learn is sharing, which is the action of giving without receiving anything in return and helping those in need. Besides humility, it teaches me that I do not have to have a high concept of myself or not to exalt myself.

Also the gratitude, teaches me to be grateful and to say a magic word that is being lost today thanks, as it is a gesture of humility with those around me. Responsibility teaches me to assume the consequences of my own actions, face my mistakes and not hide them or be ashamed of them. And finally friendship, to know how to behave with those around me, even if they betray me sometimes. Besides the family I can learn basic principles and I see examples which give me a perspective of the future life and how I can put them into practice. Within the family I can learn the importance of the unit, because when I see the members of my family united, in harmony, and supporting each other it is easy for me to notice the excellent communication that flows between everyone.

In conclusion, the family is everything to me. Being inside my family is like my refuge where I feel safe. The family gives me great satisfaction and alleviates all my problems and worries. I am sure that the family is the basis of the civil society of my generation. Being members of a family I can be properly raised, educated and receive training that I can put into practice for my future life. My family is the most important thing for me, all my decisions I take thinking about them. I can say that it is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me. It is important for me to have a family and I must try to take care of it and keep it united above all things.

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Family as a Basis of the Civil Society. (2021, Jan 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/family-as-a-basis-of-the-civil-society/



How does family is considered to as the basic unit of the society?
Family is considered as the basic unit of the society because it is where individuals learn social norms, values, and behaviors that shape their roles and responsibilities as members of the community. It is also the primary source of support and care for its members, contributing to the overall stability and well-being of the society.
Is family considered part of the civil society?
Yes, family is considered part of the civil society. The family is the basic unit of society and is essential to its stability and prosperity.
What is a family's role in society?
A family is the basic unit of society. The family is responsible for the care and education of children.
Why is the family referred to as the basis of society?
The family stands at the center of the social life, linking the individual to school, church, the economy and the nation. It conveys basic norms and values . Therefore, the family was coined as the major building block of the society.
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