My Mother Essay Examples and Research Papers

20 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


My Mother is Leader of My Life

Pages 4 (886 words)


My Mother

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My Mother’s Birthday Party

Pages 3 (611 words)

My Mother

Open Document

My Mother’s Disappointment

Pages 3 (576 words)


My Mother

Open Document

What is My Mother to Me Argumentative Essay

Pages 3 (636 words)


My Mother


Open Document

My Mother Doesn’t Know

Pages 3 (511 words)


My Mother

Open Document

The Letter about My Mother to Correctional Institution for Women

Pages 3 (657 words)



My Mother

Open Document

My Mother as an Example of a Critical Thinker in my Life

Pages 4 (846 words)

My Mother

Open Document

Personality Types: Similarities and Differences Between Me, My Sister and My Mother

Pages 5 (1 142 words)



My Mother


Open Document

The Impact of My Mother’s Death on My Life, and My Acceptance and Development in Life

Pages 7 (1 578 words)



My Mother

Open Document

The Effort of My Mother to Help Me with My College Career

Pages 3 (604 words)

My Mother

Open Document
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Check a list of useful topics on My Mother selected by experts

“I Ask My Mother to Sing” by Li-Young Lee

A Prank on My Mother

All About My Mother & Pan’s Labyrinth

An Explication on “I Ask My Mother How to Sing”

Christmas Gift for My Mother

Compare My Mother and Father

How I Know My Mother Loves Me?

How My Relationship with My Mother Has Influenced Me as a Student

I Was Helping My Mother When Suddenly…

Leader of my life: my mother

My Holy Heroine is My Mother

My Idol Is My Mother

My Mother – Amazing Person

My Mother Angel

My Mother in Garden

My Mother Influenced Me in My Life

My Mother is A Cage Fighter: College Admission Essay Sample

My Mother is a True Hero for Me

My Mother Is an Example for Me

My Mother Is My Favourite Personality and Best Friend in My Life

My Mother Is the Best Teacher in My Life

My Mother is the Most Important Person in My Life

My Mother Never Worked

My Mother The Savior of My Life

Peer Review Of Diet Plan: Kill My Mother

Poem for My Mother Overview

Praise Song for my Mother by Grace Nichols

Profile of My Mother

Reason Why My Mother is The Person I Admire The Most

Reflection Essay on My Mother

The Courage That My Mother Had

The Exploration of Womanhood in All About My Mother

The Reason Why My Mother Is My Best Friend

The Similarities between My Mother and Me

The Strongest Person My Mother

Unpleasant Incident With My Mother

What My Mother Taught Me

When My Mother Taught Me How to Swim


A mother is unarguably the most important person in the lives of most people as it is her who brings us to this world and gives us unconditional love and kindness throughout our lives. Many people write a typical essay the person I admire is my mother, and most of those essays are kind of the same. There’s nothing wrong with that as a mother is a kind of a universal figure for most of us – a woman who symbolizes true love, care, and security. If you want to write a My Mother essay, do not be afraid to be somewhat predictable as it is hard to say anything new here. You can write a descriptive essay about my mother, which might be more unique as each mother is different and all the people have their unique features. You can focus on the peculiar features of hers, her accomplishments in life, her habits, her traits, and all the things that make her a unique person.

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