American Culture Essay Examples
16 essay samples on this topic
Essay Examples
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Completing a thorough analysis of a specific ethnic group is definitely not easy. For example, when you are required to write an American culture essay, you may struggle to decide what aspects of the given culture to embrace. You may focus on Hollywood movies, novels, comic books, or the lifestyle of US citizens.
There is also a variant to describe cuisine, historical events, festivals, or mentality features of the Americans. It is very easy to get lost among such immense loads of information, which means that you may need some help with such an assignment. Make sure to check our collection of American culture essay examples.
Here you will find the analysis of the US lifestyle and diverse perspectives on its peculiarities. This will provide you with relevant ideas and sources that will help you organize your paper. As a result, you get good chances to get a positive grade for your essay on American culture.
American Culture
The cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting the Americas have been shaped over the centuries. In the early stages of formation, the culture of the British colonists, who actively spread the English language and their legal system, had a major influence. Beginning in the seventeenth century, European settlers from Italy, Holland, Ireland, and Poland began to contribute to the formation of American culture. It is also worth considering the contribution to cultural development of local Indian tribes, the original inhabitants of the American continent, as well as the ancestors of African-American settlers from Africa.
The United States is known for its mix of cultures. However, it is worth noting that there are a large number of individual subcultures. In fact, American culture is a mixture of a large variety of different cultures.
Religion and Holidays
Religious faith plays a significant role in the life of the average American. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world where the church has had the greatest influence on people’s minds. Today its influence is taking on a slightly different form than it did in the past. For example, various interest groups are being organized in churches. Despite the rapidly changing social life of Americans, the church is still what brings Americans together. Statistics show that 98 percent of Americans believe in the presence of God.
The main tribute in the United States is to holidays with a long tradition:
– Thanksgiving. It is commonly celebrated as an appreciation for the prosperity available.
– Christmas in the United States. Traditionally, it is widely celebrated in American families. Homes are decorated with bright wreaths and garlands, and the whole family gathers together.
Income Distribution
Americans typically plan for the future, and this is most evident in income distribution. Conscientious Americans will have a retirement fund in a prominent place, determining their income when they reach retirement age. Another distinctive aspect of American family culture is the fact that, upon graduation, children live separately from their parents and do not help each other with daily chores.
A defining factor in American relationships is whether a person belongs to a particular social class. There are usually three to five socioeconomic classes. Income is the main indicator of social class in the United States, showing the level of education and qualifications. Income has a significant impact on a person’s ability to maintain health, as it allows for better nutrition and medical care.
Literature is an essential part of American culture. Its beginnings date back to the 17th and 18th centuries with the appearance of diaries and religious writings. American writers Irving and Cooper (founders of American Romanticism), Edgar Allan Poe (representative of the detective genre in literature), Howard Lovecraft and Stephen King became world famous.
American music played a huge role in shaping modern musical trends. Thanks to Americans, jazz, soul, blues, rock, and rap have enriched the music culture of the world. African and Latin American migrants have also had a significant influence on the formation of national musical traditions. Over the centuries, American music has been a successful blend of seemingly incongruous styles. At the moment, the American music industry is the most developed in the world.
Videos about American Culture
- Top 50 American Culture & Characteristics of American – Part 1 | Understanding U.S
2. What is American Culture?
3. 18 Cultural Differences Between the USA and EUROPE
Interesting infographics about American Culture
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