Face-to-Face Conversation Verses Texting

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In a world where we are superficially more connected than ever in human history, we are feeling more isolated than ever. While everyone desires human connection, digital alternatives such as texting, is often more convenient than everyday acquaintances. Thus resulting in more day-to-day life becoming digital, reducing opportunities for in-person conversations.

Communication is defined as the flow of information that includes expressing ideas from one individual to another. As of 2018, there are numerous ways we can communicate. Whether that be social media, a call, email, video chat, or the two most common forms, face-to-face communication and texting, which will be primarily focused on. Both forms communicate emotions and thoughts differently, with face-to-face being predominantly better than texting. Face-to-face communication opening the door to having authentic conversations, creating bona fide relationships, proves this.

Face-to-face communication has the possibility of creating an intimate and authentic relationship, whereas texting cannot. Face-to-face allows the conversation to be thoroughly understood by both people involved. When communicating people want to feel understood and validated, all which can be done through natural behaviors such as eye contact, a soft smile, and human connection. On the contrary, texting leaves a great deal of frustration while not being able to communicate emotions effectively. While texting, one can only candidly express themselves with the aide of emojis.

You do not get the luxury of being able to express yourselves in numerous ways; you only have one compared to face-to-face, where there are multitudes. Without those key factors during a conversation between two people, it creates an environment in which you cannot entirely invest yourself in that person. Furthermore, when conversing with another individual, texting leaves a great deal of room for interpretation in the conversation. Consequently, this can lead to unnecessary assumptions and confused emotions.

Being present and face-to-face enables and engages conversation to be further interpreted and understood through body language. This allows the receiver of information to interpret the sender’s thoughts and words greater than texting could, because of body language. Tonality, facial expressions, body posture, gestures, and eye movements all fall under the umbrella of body language. It is said that almost ninety percent of conversation is non-verbal, with it being filled in with tone of voice and such. When communicating in person, you have that option of intimacy with the other person.

On the other hand with texting, you are only able to communicate with words. Having this can feel extremely restricting, due to the fact that there is no way to interpret how they are trying to express what they say. Attempting to have the exact same conversation both ways (face-to-face and texting) would mean the difference between a significant conversation, and a monotonous one. However, the practicality of being around someone at all times is low, so texting can come in handy when the person(s) involved in the conversation are not able to be in the same room, and need to get ahold of someone quickly.

Communicating with people face-to-face allows you to communicate more effectively and clearly; however, the convenience of being with the other person may seem inappropriate when you can effortlessly text the person. Texting can be benificail if used properly such as communicating quick, subsidized information to another person. Texting is simple and a mojirity of people have their phones on them most of the time, so feedback is usually very responsive. Texting, however, should not be the sole means of commumication; important information can be misread or misunderstood over text.


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Face-to-Face Conversation Verses Texting. (2021, Apr 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/face-to-face-conversation-verses-texting/



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