Evaluation and Awareness of Oneself

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Self-concept is the evaluation and awareness of oneself about his or her distinction from others. Self, on the other hand, is a single being that is developed through continuous and conscious experiences and self-understanding based on human knowledge and emotions.

Self and self-concept are different from each other yet these two work together. Creating concept of oneself is the result of being able to know the self. Based on the discussed power points, the sources and dimensions of self-concept are the self-evaluation or the self-esteem, while the other one is the self-conception or also known as identities. Self-evaluation or self-esteem is the overall value which people resemble to themselves—the extent of valuing.

The level of esteem a person is dependent on how he evaluates himself. Its first source is the reflected appraisal wherein a person creates an image of himself based on how he perceives himself based on what or how others think of him. The second one is the social comparison where a person grasps or creates judgment about himself and he tries to evaluate and analyze himself by comparing.

Lastly, self-perception is where a person behaves in a manner similar to how he observes and concludes his own behavior. Processual interactionist perspective and structural symbolic interactionist perspective can be found under self-conception or identities. Processual interactionist perspective proposes that the identities of a person is established and maintained even in the process of negotiations and interactions. Processual interactionist perspective tells how a person interprets a certain object and gives symbolism in order to interact with others; and it also holds or maintains the self and the reality which are regarded to be true.

On the other hand, structural symbolic interactionist perspective sees oneself depending on the roles that is expected of him with regards to their social positions, and this perspective believes that people develop through the process of interactions; thus social bond is created.

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Evaluation and Awareness of Oneself. (2020, Sep 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/evaluation-and-awareness-of-oneself/

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