Effective Communication for Improve Teamwork

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In order to enhance morale and build teamwork, one senior staff in our company has been encouraging junior staff to join in excessive after work hours entertainment at the company’s expense. Whereas, these frequent activities are having a negative effect on employees’ motivation, health and retention. Team building, which contributes a lot for strengthening teamwork, can make team members together, encourage mutual communication and collaboration. The original intention of the senior staff to hold team building activities was positive.

However, the lack of proper communication channels, respect and trust among the senior employee and junior employees, eventually it may result in obstructions to free flow of information, low morale of employees, low team cohesion and cooperation ability. Based on the analysis of the above situation, this paper puts forward the implementation plan of establishing smooth and effective communication channels, establishing mutual respect and trust mechanism, improving the cohesion of the company and promoting the incentive mechanism.

In the last a few months in order to enhance morale and build teamwork, one senior staff in our company has been encouraging junior staff to join in excessive after work hours entertainment at the company’s expense. Whereas, these frequent activities are having a negative effect on employees’ motivation, health and retention. There is obviously a lack of effective communication among the senior staff and junior employees, which actually does harm to teamwork.

Our company is striving to follow the ways that does good job to increase the productivity without increasing unnecessary costs and bringing stress to employees. Definitely, teamwork is vital for improving productivity in businesses and is the key to the company’s success. Team building, which contributes a lot for strengthening teamwork, can make the team members together, encourage mutual communication and collaboration.

The original intention of the senior staff to hold team building activities was positive. However, the good result did not happen in our teamwork as the process the company going through failed to be performed appropriately and was ineffective. The senior staff didn’t do well in listening to the employees’ voices and ignored their personal circumstances. The team didn’t do periodical reviews to verify the results of team building and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

The junior staff has been joining in the entertainment activities only in the favor of the senior staff. They didn’t give real feedback to their leader on what was going on. There is a lack of proper trust among employees and a proper communication channel between senior staff and junior staff. The free flow of information was obstructed in our company that goes against teamwork among all employees in workplace and harm the bottom line of the business organization increasing productivity and delivering result.

To improve our current company situation, hereunder are the remedy plans.

Firstly, we need to set up channels of smooth and effective communication. ‘The establishment of emotional and credibility mechanism, as well as the cultivation of corporate culture, need to be supported by a smooth information communication channel’ (Wen, C.C (2012)). Effective communication channels enable the full participation of all staff and ensure that various information within our company can be precisely expressed and transmitted. The effective communication channels include:

  • face to face meetings with specific topics and achievements
  • professional network communication medium used for collecting employees’ votes and suggestions (anonymous if necessary, such as survey questionnaire / links via. internal e-mails or from a third-party)
  • establish an effective feedback mechanism for reviewing tasks and tracking results. “Feedback is information that let us know whether you are on or off track” (Maurer (2011)).

Secondly, we need to establish a mechanism of mutual respect and trust, and to enhance the company cohesion. According to Yu, X.Y. (2019) ‘Only the leaders of the company give the staff full respect and trust, that can make the staff get a sense of satisfaction and honor in the enterprise, doing their best in work and improving the enterprise’s competitiveness’. Showing trust and respect to staff includes:

  • acknowledge and respect individual personality
  • be polite and considerate, think in others’ shoes
  • appreciate and reward others’ input, work and value
  • follow the way of fairness and justice
  • express gratitude to staff for their feedback and give them timely and effective response
  • get team members involved in decision-making, especially for the decisions that affecting them
  • to hold effective leadership trainings for the managerial personnel and to carry out effective mentor programs, and to strengthen the cohesion among leaders. As Huang,Y and Cao,F.H (2013) stated ‘Leader’s cohesion has significant correlations with staff’s cohesion, identification, work engagement and work motivation ‘.
  • let each staff understand the company’s current status, future business progress and development goals. As Ma,S.S’s (2016) stated ‘Making goals are relevant to the enterprise and to each staff to build a community of destiny’ .

Thirdly, we need to upgrade incentive mechanism for improving staff’s performance and to improve the company’s retention programs. Wei,W. (2018) stated ‘the incentive mechanism for performance plays a very important role in mobilizing people’s potential enthusiasm, enabling staff to accomplish their work goals outstandingly and continuously improve their work performance’. This shows how powerful the good incentive mechanism is. We can study and improve our incentive mechanism and retention programs:

  • the bonus scheme
  • the annual leave eligible period
  • the training plans on skills and talents
  • the job rotation system
  • employees’ career development plans
  • whole set of social benefits and commercial insurance
  • other company activities, such as employee family day, group tours

All in all, to enable the effective communication among employees helps on building teamwork. To improve teamwork contributes to increase productivity and deliver better results in the company.


  1. Wen,C,C.(2012).On the construction of trust mechanism in corporate management. Conference proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Conference of ‘Foreign Economics Theory and Contemporary World Economy’. Retrieved February 7,2020, from CNKI database.
  2. Maurer,R.(2011).Feedback toolkit(2nd ed.).Boca Raton,FL:Taylor & Francis Group.
  3. Yu,X.Y.(2019).Research on strategy of corporate team culture construction. Journal of National circulation economy,22,33-35.
  4. Huang,Y. and Cang,F.H.(2013).A review of researches on the factors affecting morale and their functions. Journal of China management information,16(02),53-54.
  5. Ma,S.S.(2016). Research on strategy of corporate team culture construction. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from CNKI database.
  6. Wei,W.(2018). Talking about strengthening team building and management Journal of Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs,19,140.

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Effective Communication for Improve Teamwork. (2021, Jun 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/effective-communication-for-improve-teamwork/

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