Ecology and Consumerism in Film Wall-E

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Back in 2008, Pixar Production Company produced Wall-E, a film whose purpose was not to only entertain children and families around the globe, but to see a glimpse of our future when consumerism heads in. In the movie, it started off by showing the abandoned garbage left by mankind. It showed how the earth was filled with filth and trash that made them leave it. No person was left in sight. Only Wall-E, a garbage robot who collects and cleans up the mess.

A few clips pass by and Eve a sleek (and dangerous) robot is sent to Earth to discover any evidence that there is still life on Earth or if Earth is capable of sustaining life once more. Eve was in grave danger before Wall-E rescued her from the dust tstorm and shows her a living plant making Eve take the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state that shows nothing but a blinking green light.

When the ship collected Eve, Wall-E came with. The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the heavy humans who evacuated Earth 700 years earlier because of the garbage they left. The people of Earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting (Basically, the robots were doing every human action they can to serve the people). They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move. When the auto-pilot computer, acting on hastily-given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of Earth from returning by stealing the plant, WALL-E, EVE, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.

Wall-E then helped mankind to restore what Earth was like 700 years earlier which resulted to them going home to planet Earth and them planting once more finally making Earth habitable


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Ecology and Consumerism in Film Wall-E. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ecology-and-consumerism-in-film-wall-e/



How does WALL-E show the importance of nature?
WALL-E shows the importance of nature by depicting a dystopian future where humanity has destroyed the Earth's environment, forcing the main character to restore it through planting vegetation and cleaning up waste. The film highlights the consequences of neglecting the natural world and the need to prioritize environmental conservation for a sustainable future.
What are the main themes of WALL-E?
The main themes of WALL-E are environmentalism and consumerism.
What is the environmental message in WALL-E?
The environmental message in WALL-E is that humans are destroying the planet and need to change their ways.
Why might WALL-E be considered an environmental film?
The Epic of Gilgamesh has been widely studied for its themes of religion, morality, and death. The story is set in ancient Mesopotamia and centers around the titular character, Gilgamesh, who is two-thirds god and one-third man.
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