Does Motivation Impact Our Wellbeing?

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Wellbeing is an absence of any physical, social, or psychological malfunctioning. That is, a healthy body and mind and a social outlook that enable a person to function effectively and hold a positive worldview. It refers to ability of a human being to function effectively and hold a positive worldview.

  1.  Indian emphasis on self-realization by rising from mundane and becoming spiritual.
  2. Maslow’s self-actualization by realizing one’s potential.
  3. Eclectic approach shifting from hedonism to eudaimonic

Self-realization is a process starting with repetitive affairs, and then moving to spiritual, and finally aiming to achieve an ideal state beyond human capacity. This process is analogous to a journey with final destination being at a state of sthitaprajna, nirdwandwa, and trigunatita(Chakraborty, 1987, p.107). Sthitaprajn is a state of “steady wisdom” which is neither swayed by the consequences of past or consequences that might arise in future present nor affected by the present condition. The mind is stable and viveka (faculty to decide) is able to focus and take rational decisions without being disillusioned by self and environment.

  • Observer (drashta)
  • Actor (karata)
  • Receiver (bhoagta- one who bears the consequences)

It keeps a balance between his body and mind as well as between the self and the environment. It is this balance that makes him healthy (swastha means ‘stable-me’). According to Charak Samhita, a healhy human being strong, energetic, reputed, manly, knowledgeable, optimist, and capable of achieving what he wants to achieve,he is free from any physical or mental disorder (D. Sinha, 1990).

The western conception is somewhat different from the Indian conception.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety and security needs
  • Need for affiliation
  • Need for self-esteem
  • Need for self-actualization

Here the Self-actualization is:

  • Experiencing fully vividly, selflessly, and without being self-conscious.
  • An ongoing process involving growth, instead of fear, choice.
  • Listening to one’s inner voice and letting the true self emerge.
  • Understanding and appreciating the real self.
  • Being honest when one is in doubt.
  • Going through an “arduous and demanding period of preparation in order to realize one’s possibilities” (p. 47).
  • Being open to “to be surprised by joy” – the peak experience of actualization that often comes in degrees and sporadically.

Both conceptions are similar in the sense that the movement is from lower order needs to higher order. However, Maslow’s self-actualization is little different, it refers to the psychological state which is actualized in some but not in other domains of life whereas Self-realization, on the other hand, influences all dimensions of human life.

An eclectic approach compares hedonic and eudaimonic views of well being. Eudaimonic, refers to a long lasting happiness arising from the realization of human growth that produces a sense of well being, i.e., eudaimonia. This is similar to that of Maslow in conceptualizing well being as the experience of realizing one’s potentials (Hudson, 1996).

Overall the terminal life-goal is a healthy body and mind and a pro-social outlook. This path having milestones from existential ones that have to be reached and then surpassed as the person proceeds on reaching and then surpassing higher and higher levels of growth.

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Does Motivation Impact Our Wellbeing?. (2022, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/does-motivation-impact-our-wellbeing/

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