Difference Between Ethics and Aesthetics Argumentative Essay

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The relationship between aesthetics and ethics is the part of philosophy that questions the form or way of making up the mind. Aesthetics that addresses the issue of beauty. How beauty can be created and how people can feel it and give an assessment of that beauty. Then the aesthetic philosophy will always be related to good and bad, between beautiful and ugly. Not talking about wrong and right as in the epistemology philosophy. Etymologically, aesthetics is taken from Greek, aisthetike which means everything that is perceptible by the senses. Aesthetic philosophy addresses the critical reflexes perceived by the senses and gives an assessment of something, beautiful or not beautiful, beauty or ugly.

Further developments make it aware that beauty does not always have a certain formula. It develops according to people’s acceptance of the idea raised by the creator of the work. Because of that, two things are always known in the assessment of beauty, namely the beauty, a work which is recognized by many to meet the standards of beauty and the ugly, a work that does not meet the standards of beauty and by many people is usually considered bad, but if viewed things show beauty.

The relationship between ethics and aesthetics in everyday life is how we can run this two in every day’s thoughts and actions. It talks about right and wrong views that can be calculated, proven, and impacted directly and quickly. Ethics talk about good and bad views that each person and environment can view differently (abstract). Whereas, aesthetics talk about beautiful and ugly who can see it from various sides according to their individual tastes. So that, in daily life the relationship is to unite these three views in each action.

So the conclusion is to take action through these two views. The first consideration is logically, whether what we do is scientifically or normatively right or wrong. In this case, if what we do logically is not necessarily entirely wrong, because there is a second balance, namely ethics. Ethics will see whether what we do in a system will have a good and bad impact on the environment. And the third thing we do will be reflected through a physical appearance through an aesthetic view. This implies that it is better for us to appreciate the saying “De gustibus non disputdum” which means even though it is not absolute, not for everything. Physically and aesthetic imagination is also called the study of beauty or theories about taste, criticism in creative arts and performances. Thus, the relationship of these two views in everyday life is the rationale in every action that will be taken.

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Difference Between Ethics and Aesthetics Argumentative Essay. (2020, Nov 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/difference-between-ethics-and-aesthetics/



Is an aesthetic part in ethics?
As an integral part of ethics, aesthetics deals with the nature of beauty and taste in relation to moral principles. It considers how aesthetic values can influence our ethical decisions and actions.
What are examples of aesthetics?
Some examples of aesthetics include the study of art, beauty, and taste.
What is aesthetic means in ethics?
Aesthetic means in ethics refers to the study of right and wrong in relation to beauty. It is the study of how we make choices about what is right and wrong, and how these choices affect our lives and the lives of others.
What is the difference between ethics and art?
The two are different Art is based on its external form, its result, while in ethics result cannot be separated from the internal process . An ethical life is no art.
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