Customers Dress Code Policy

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Establishing a dress code policy for the customer has a bias opinion in our society. Stuck between a prejudice or a common acceptance to social norm, these businesses have a culture and reputation to sell. Just like United Airlines wanted to establish a culture of neatness on their flights, many restaurants have made it acceptable to enforce a certain fit to their establishments. Fine dining restaurants have developed a dress code to support their establishments setting, so they are able to dine, but also partake in the experience that is fitting to their setting.

These nice restaurants are created for the effect of giving their consumers a night for going out for special occasions and dressing up. Creating this look for a business respects that businesses culture, as well as the customers who choose to dine in this setting. It may be unsettling to a customer that has dressed nicely and fittingly to the persona of the restaurant, while sitting next to someone who is dressed in athletic wear (Boom, J.).

This may ruin the mood and culture for this business, that they worked hard to produce. Upscale restaurants may request a formal dress that is usually stated and simply understood by its consumers. People typically are aware of how a business is ran and what is known of them, especially if it is an upscale establishment. Some dress codes in restaurants are seen as a stipulation, and though they may be seen as inconvenient, they are only trying to establish a culture that fulfills their marketing concept.

What Is Best for Consumers

Consumers are not always known for knowing what is best, and with the help of marketers we are able to develop an understanding and see what is superlative. Dress codes are enforced for so many things in America, whether that be for most employees, airlines, restaurants, schools, and retail stores, we are progressing and regressing against these policies. Now in the 20th century, America is way more relaxed, but we still enforce some rules and regulations that some people may see as making a business or operation seem uptight and drive the people away (Hagenbuch, D.).

Since this is America, and people are not always going to agree, it is the businesses job to enforce what they feel will sell and what they can benefit from doing so. The debate over whether a business has the right to enforce such rules is still a big controversy. If a paying customer is willing to give their business, who are they to refuse if they are gaining a sell in the end?

Also, what if the standards of that business do not comply to the standards of that person? This goes back to establishing a company’s culture and how they want to be portrayed. It is not the job of the consumer to stand in the way of the vision of the creator. Consumers should understand that as individuals, we are not the only consumers present in a situation (Hagenbuch, D.). Just like on a flight, or in a nicer restaurant, our behavior and in this case, dress, impacts an experience.


Dress code enforcement for a customer can be beneficial and even mandatory for a certain service. Sometimes marketers are there to protect us from ourselves, like operations that are selling a service that need protective gear. For example, Segway tours, boat rides, and excursions that strictly enforce policies to look after the welfare of their consumers are very essential for a business to run properly (Hagenbuch, D.).

These type of businesses require protective gear, like helmets and life jackets, to secure safety for that company. Some even require you wear closed toe shoes, long sleeves, and pants depending on what is being done. These dress codes are important for consumers to stay safe on account of the business supplying the excursions. These types of dress codes are normal, especially since they are looking out for what is best for the consumer.


Businesses are able to set reasonable dress codes for their customers and can be determined by location and time in the day. There are standards that these dress codes need to uphold, like applying the same level of requirements for both men and women. Business should avoid favoring one group of people over another including genders, they would not want to be seen as discriminating. Since companies are not discriminating against a certain kind of person, but implying a ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service’ kind of policy it is not illegal. There is always the debate over why women are kept at a different standard when it comes to men’s clothing and how they might be portrayed. Discrimination has been a big disadvantage of applying a customer’s dress code policy, but as long as this policy is consistent and reasonable there should be no problems in enforcing them.

Establishing organizational dress codes is very normal in a business setting, this allows operations to creative productive and successful environments in that company. Establishing a dress code for the consumers is not as common as endorsing the rules on employees. Businesses have a culture they are willing to endorse by setting boundaries and expectations of their consumers, and it is understood and sometimes stated. Companies have the right to refuse services for reasons that put a customers or their own reputation at risk (Lennertz, J.). These rules are not discriminating against a person but working to establish the company’s culture that is fitting to their market.

Introducing dress codes for consumers has its advantages and disadvantages. When people go to places that have the enforced dress code, they understand what they are paying for. These people are yearning for a certain type of experience and when they go they know that they will not be disappointed. It is important to base the companies policies on factors that make sense to the culture they want to create.


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Customers Dress Code Policy. (2021, May 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/customers-dress-code-policy/

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