Concepts of Financial Management

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Financial management is the method which use so achieve a goal of firm by managing their capitals and assets. It is a very important topic for the proprietors who are going to start their own firm, for prepare workplace to achieve goals of firms, financial management may help. Also it may lead to overcome a potential problems which occurring in firm under arising when management of the cooperation and ownerships are separated. Also it may prefer to understand the corporate governance through a financial management to rise up the firm. To take a better idea about financial terminology and concepts in team communication, financial management may also help.

finance is the most important subject that will ever encounter. It is at the core of everything that do in business and management. It is very rigorous challenging and practical it is something that we use and will continue to use in your day-to-day life both as an individual and the management professional so what is finance, finance is simply mathematics plus money it’s a regular study of financial transactions of money does that mean we need to have very complex knowledge of mathematics.

Finance the basic language of finance is accounting we will use many accounting terms like assets and liabilities stocks and bonds income and expenses and most importantly cash flows throughout the course therefore it’s important that we have a fundamental knowledge of accounting in order to understand finance. Critical thinking and explanations may also easy when the it used to concepts of financial managements. The most major thing is it the financial management may help to develop and rise up the cross functional capability and capitals of firm.

As a learning object in finance management is shows that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities is not a waste of money to the firm, because it will cause to develop the image of company among society. It is a long term investment, so the managers which has good knowledge about financial management will not consider CSR as waste so as a critical point like that it is necessary to having an idea about financial management to take correct decisions.

Also in a financial management it shows that, the major goal of any profitable business is wealth maximization of share holders by work to increase share price. The value of the firm will be create if the share price of current share holders got increased. So the concepts of financial managements will lead us on correct way to obtain above validity of firm.

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Concepts of Financial Management. (2021, Jan 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/concepts-of-financial-management/



What are the 4 types of financial management?
The four types of financial management are investment management, risk management, cash management, and debt management. Each type focuses on different aspects of managing finances to achieve financial goals and objectives.
What are the 7 principles of financial management?
The 7 principles of financial management are: 1) Pay yourself first 2) Live below your means 3) Invest in yourself 4) Invest for the long term 5) Diversify your investments 6) Review your progress 7) Have an emergency fund
What are the core and basic concepts of financial management?
The core concepts of financial management are financial planning and financial control.
What are two basic concepts of financial management?
There are two basic aspects of financial management : Procurement of Funds. As funds can be obtained from different sources thus, their procurement is always considered as a complex problem by business concerns. Effective Use of Such Funds. The finance manager is also responsible for effective utilisation of funds.
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