Character Description and Themes in Divergent, a Novel by Veronica Roth

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Beatrice, or Tris Prior is the protagonist and narrator of Divergent. In the novel both the novel and the film. she starts out in abnegation. However. she has a hard time going out of her way for others and putting others first. She is not a particularly selfish person but it simply doesn‘t occur to her to be selfless in everyday situations. Tris then shockingly abandons abnegation and her family for a more attractive and reckless life as a dauntless. In the novel. Divergent. Tris is much more timid than she is portrayed in the movie. Her friend, Christina, prompts her to wear tight fitting/revealing clothes and eyeliner, all of which is completely foreign and unheard of in Tris‘ original faction of abnegation. Again she is more timid in the book in the case of Four. She fails to pick up on his feelings for her for a much longer period of time and their relationship is quite strained as she feels that he is cold and cruel.

Tris eventually develops into a strong. self-dependant. character in both versions of Divergent. Tobias Eaton. who begins the story as Four. is a much colder character in the novel than in the movie. He pushes Tris to her limits and does not make attempts to take care of her in any way. Initially. this appears to be another piece of his bad attitude. but it later becomes that he is only doing so to force her into the dauntless person that he knows she has the capacity to be. By not coddling her. she becomes very self-dependent. Tobias’ real name comes out when he reveals his fears to Tris and she recognizes him as Marcus‘ son. Tobias suffered from child abuse in both the book and the movie and the only real differences in his character are the more exaggerated harshness he expresses and the more obvious distaste he holds for his father in the book. Peter. although not the main antagonist. is definitely one of them.

The movie portrays him as rude and cruel, but It doesn’t come close to his actions in the book. One of the biggest downfalls of the movie was showing how truly awful of a person Peter is. Peter stabs Edward in the eye and is revealed as one of Tris’ attempted murderers in the book. He’s coldhearted. violent, and has a complete disregard for human life. The movie fails to capture just how horrible Peter really is. The scene where Tris takes charge and shoots him in the arm when trying to overthrow Dauntless headquarters is no where near as satisfying as it could have been, especially with the attempted comic-relief thrown in about people not expecting Tris to shoot them. Peter‘s character in the movie is a middle-school bully compared to the blood-thirsty boy in the book. Eric is another antagonist, and the most pathetic of the bunch, The movie portrays him well but like Peter, he is not as harsh as he was in the books.

Eric is intimidated by Four and worries that he will take his position in leadership even though Four keeps shooting down the Dauntless leader’s offers. Eric is always trying to prove his authority and that he is worthy of his position by expressing a his lack of care for the welfare of everyone else. Jeanine Matthews is the final, and main antagonist. She simply wants power and will do anything to achieve it. Her wit has made her lethal. Her character is the same in both the book and the movie and do to her lack of presence in the majority of either of these versions, her character does not develop much. The ending was powerful in the movre, but to be honest, I liked the ending in the book better without her in it. The scene could have been more powerful had it been intimate and between just Tobias and Tris. The main theme throughout Divergent is identity.

The non-divergent’s confirm to their individual factions standards of who they‘re supposed to be. Tris thinks her identifier is Dauntless, however she is truly a divergent in which case she is a leader rather than a follower. She does not conform to socrety and is unwilling to accept rules as they are. Finding identity is an important step in adolescence and it’s one than many teenagers struggle with. Divergent expresses that it’s okay to be a little different, it’s okay not to follow the crowd. The problem Is being foreshadowed throughout the book and the movre. but it doesn‘t become clear until near the end. Jeanine Matthews is not a nice woman, this is obvious in every sense of the word, but the attack on the Abnegation is a rather sudden problem.

The problem is the same in both the book and the movie. its resolution is the only change and it is modified in the movie to include Erudites and Jeanine Matthews. Another small change is the fact that they don‘t grab the system files that prove it was the Erudites leading the attack and not the Dauntless. The solution to the attack on abnegation is for Tris and Tobias to quietly shut the system down. However, their plan fails and they are both captured. Tobias is tested on directly in front of Tris in the book. after he attacks Jeanine. Under the serum. Tobias thinks that Tris is the antagonist and starts attacking her instead. Later, Tris is placed in the very glass case of her fears, one that is slowing filling with water.

Her mom comes to her rescue just as she does in the movie. when Tris is about to be shot and killed. Her mother attempts to bring her back to the rest of the abnegation refugees but is shot and killed on the way. Tris kills Will during this trek, but it lacks the same power that it had in the books because Will‘s character isn’t included nearly as much and it’s never shown that him and Christina get together. After this. Tris leads her family to Dauntless headquarters where her father is killed after bravely running out into gunfire. Tris leaves everyone else behind when she enters the control room, and in the books it is only Tobias there. Tobias and her begin fighting and eventually she snaps him out his trance. In the movie, however, Jeanine Matthews is present and aflght ensues.

Tris and Tobias succeed there as well and are able to escape with the other abnegation refugees and hop on the next train out of there. Both the movie and book take place in what appears to be a post apocalyptic Chicago. The ruins of the city have been divided into the five factions of Abnegation, Candor, Erudite. Amity. and Dauntless. There are few nice buildings in the city, but those that have been recovered and rebuilt belong to the factions and were catered to their needs. Abnegation live in smalls gray box-like homes, Dauntless live in a pit underground. Amity live on farms, Erudite live in a beautiful lab facility. and candor live in what appears to be an office orjudicial building.

There is a fence that surrounds their ruined city that is meant to protect them from unknown harm. There is a train that runs through the city, however it’s only users are the Dauntless. The majority of the book and movie take place in Dauntless. and the beginning and ending have parts of Abnegation. The book and the movie both move fluidly throughout the plot. There are no large gaps or large amounts of time that are passed Without anything happening. In the book it is nearly a day to day story, and in the movie (due to time restraints) they speed things up a bit but still manage to keep the same fluid plot movement. It is clear that time is passing because of the passing of each of the initiation stages and finally into the attack on abnegation at the ending of the book. One of the contrasts and contradictions in the book is Al‘s assistance in the attempted murder of Tris.

His character expressed romantic feelings for Tris previously, which she had rejected. His character had always been soft and even mentioned having no deSIre to hurt others. Despite all of this, Al. along with Peter and his friends, try to push Tris into the chasm. This causes a moment of revelation (or aha moment) in Tris that people are envious of her abilities to the point that they’re Willing to kill her over it. One of the tough questions that comes up is when Tris must decide whether to let Will take her life. or to kill him. She is faced with only seconds to decide and ends up murdering her friend who is unknowingly shooting at her. Some words of wisdom in the movie are when Tobias says to Tris “Becoming fearless isn’t the point, that’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear and how to be free from it”. In fact, the word fear comes up again and again throughout the book.

This is important because later on in the book, nearly all of Tris’ fears become realized. From her parents’ deaths to the glass case slowly filling with water, Tris prevails in the face of her fears. In my opinion, the most popular genre of children‘s literature is likely picture storybooks, They were the most popular type of book when our class was assigned to bring in their favorite childhood stories. but also the most popular type when we were assigned to memorize and read aloud a children’s book of our choice. Children love pictures. especially those who cannot read, it allows them to understand the story without the aid of an adult and it also helps them to try and decipher the words on the page when learning to read.

This form of children’s literature is not important in both the classroom and at home, especially for bedtime stories. When children‘s literature first started planting it’s roots, literacy among the common man was much lower than today. Books didn’t have pictures and were too complicated for even literate children to understand. Today, many more people are literate than in our past, however there are still a percentage of people in the United States who are illiterate. Reading and writing have taken a different form with the quick spread of technology. Ebooks provide faster access. often for lower prices than written books. Writing is becoming a thing of the past as typing becomes a much more necessary skill. The future of literacy is moving towards a technological alternative to paper and pencil at rapid pace.

It’s difficult to persuade people to read nowadays, there are so many other forms of entertainment available, like video games and television, that people turn to far more often than books. There are several ways to convince students in the classroom to read. The most important thing to keep in mind is that schoolwork takes the fun out of the reading. The mandate of it makes a daunting and boring task. It’s also important not to give the students specific story elements to pay attention to because they will search only for those and skim the rest of the book. ln-class discussions make for much more interesting lessons than book reports and answering questions. It’s Impossible to persuade all the students to read, but certain steps can be taken to make them pick that book up off the shelf.


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Character Description and Themes in Divergent, a Novel by Veronica Roth. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/character-description-and-themes-in-divergent-a-novel-by-veronica-roth/

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