Causes and Effects of Inner City Poverty

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“Inner City”, is defined as an older part of a city, densely populated and usually deteriorating, inhabited mainly by poor minority groups (Dictionary.com). These inner cities are located throughout all major states. Poverty is just one of the many things faced by those living in the inner city. Inner city poverty affects the life chances of the less fortunate people.

First, inner city poverty can cause lower life expectancy because individuals cannot obtain necessary medical care. Access to healthcare can be quite expensive and those that live below the poverty line cannot afford the health insurance. Some that do receive government assistance is still receiving bare minimal services. When health care is needed but is delayed or not obtained, people’s health worsens, which in turn leads to lost income and higher health care costs, both of which contribute to poverty. the risk for chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are higher among those with the lowest income and education levels. (Healthy People 2020, n.d.)

Secondly, inner city poverty causes an increase in crime rate due to unemployment and the inability to meet basic needs. An overwhelming desire to meet certain basic needs becomes the highest priority. Over time, if those needs cannot be met, then some individuals will commit robberies, burglaries, and other forms of them. The problem comes back to the stresses that occur when a household or individual is living in poverty. Not being able to have a basic need met, like knowing when your next meal will be or what it will be, can lead people to a breaking point. They seek out any relief that they can find. Some theories propose that the increased rates of crime amongst individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds are largely since these individuals have greater exposure to criminal peers and environments (Ferguson, Swain & Horwood 2004).

Lastly, inner city poverty influences homelessness. Many individuals are homeless because they are unable to pay for housing. A lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs have contributed to the current housing crisis and to homelessness. If you are poor, you are essentially an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on the streets. Lack of employment opportunities results in those losing their homes and living on the streets.

As aforementioned Inner-city poverty affects the life chances of the less fortunate people. We must address the issues at hand; healthcare, crime and homelessness. Those that live in inner cities must be given the tools necessary to break the cycle. So, the question remains, what will the government do to assist in breaking the cycle?

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Causes and Effects of Inner City Poverty. (2021, Nov 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/causes-and-effects-of-inner-city-poverty/



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Poverty is an extreme lack of resources, including money, food, housing, and clothing. It is caused by a number of factors, including job loss, disability, and low income.
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Poverty is caused by a lack of resources, opportunities, and/or support. Its effects include poor health, limited education, and a lack of social and economic mobility.
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The effects of urban poor are felt by everyone in the city, whether they live in poverty or not. The causes of urban poor are many and varied, but include a lack of access to education and good jobs, as well as a lack of affordable housing.
What causes inner city poverty?
Inner-city poverty results from migration processes that simultaneously remove the middle-class and successful members of the community, thereby reducing social capital, while bringing in new, poorer populations whose competition in the labor market drives down wages and employment chances of residents.
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