Beach- My Favorite Place

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My favorite place is the beach. I love to take a cup of coffee and go there early in the morning. It is very peaceful. I ike to sit on the sand and watch the beach wake up. People seem to be in their own world in the early morning. They have a purpose for being there. Fisherman bring in their catch for the day while couples stroll hand in hand along the shore. Surfers are out in the early morning trying to catch the waves and joggers like this time of day before the sun gets hot. go there for solitude and reflection. I can smell the salt water as feel the Ocean breeze in my Tace. I hear the seagulls as they look for food on the sand.

It is a beautiful sight when the sun begins to rise, seemingly from nowhere. I feel the warmth on my tace, as it seems to energize my body and soul. I feel content and at ease with life and the world around me because nowhere else do I find this serenity. The beach in the morning is a lot like me. It comes to Iite slowly. As the sun rises, the waves roll in gently and the birds stretch out berore they begin their flight for the day. When the wind picks up, so do the waves, the sights, the smells and the sounds. I, too, pick up after a cup coffee. The beach differs from my work immensely. I work in the finance industry where customers are our number one concern. There is never a moments peace, the phone rings constanty, and tension envelopes everyone around. It is a very last paced job where people thrive on stress. My home ite isnt much diferent than my work. I am constantly trying to keep up with the schedules of four people. I am cook, housekeeper, chauffeur, wife, accountant, nurse, and mother. Any age can appreciate the gifts offered by the beach. It puts smiles on the faces of parents as they watch their children splash in the water with laughter and joy. Nature has offered itself in the way of seashells, sea urchins and the tide poois that can de explored. PICnics are enjoyed, kites are flown and sunbathers are left to worship the sun.

Tuse the beach for many purposes. I enjoy it with my children during the daytime for swimming and sunbathing, in the evening with my husband to watch the romantic sunsets and at night to have bonfires with my friends. have a close relationship with the beach, since we have known each other for many years. The beach has never let me down. Even on a day when I am gloomy, when no one else is around, the beach is still there for me, even t is gioomy too. Ir thne beach was destroyed, I would Teel heartbroken to lose my place of solitude and I WOuld also feel angry that others would lose out on the magic of the beach. It has come to be a friend to me in all t has to offer.

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Beach- My Favorite Place. (2023, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/beach-my-favorite-place/

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