Annoying Ways People Use Sources by Kyle D. Stedman: Irritating Writing Habits and Mistakes

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Everyone has pet peeves that people don’t like some it might be slow drivers in the fast lane or chewing your food with your mouth open or popping your fingers. People do annoying things all the time that just drive us insane. People either don’t know the rules or norms of society or do and just don’t care. This all relates to how people write and what sloppy writing people do because they are lazy but sometimes people don’t know the rules.

Annoying Ways People Use Sources by Kyle D. Stedman is an essay of chapter 2 in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing which is a peer-reviewed open textbook series for the writing classroom. In the essay, Annoying Ways People Use Sources, Stedman related how annoying things that people do in writing relates to different things like driving behind a slow driver in the fast lane.

No one really likes a slow driver in a fast lane and sometimes people lose their temper and start yelling and waving their arms but there are at least two explanations for why some slow drivers fail to move out of the way. One is they don’t know that you are suppose to move to the right if a car wants to pass. Or the second reason is they know the rules but don’t care about annoying people or what others think (Stedman 242).

People a lot of the time when it comes to writing forget about a lot of the rules because there is so many different kinds of writing but a lot of the time people don’t know the rules or just don’t care and write sloppy. Writing and driving is really similar how there are lots of rules and sometimes you forget them or weren’t taught them because there are different teachers for everyone. Some people learn different things from different teachers like how people either learn from their parents to drive or from a driving school.

People learn by different types of learning styles and interpret things differently. The two explanations for why people don’ pull over when driving slow in the fast lane is the same reasons people don’t write the same way as others which annoys the readers.

An annoyance in writing is called dating Spider-Man. It is where you start or end a paragraph with a quotation. Starting or ending a paragraph with a quote makes it feel rushed, unexplained, disjointed. It would be like walking with Spider-Man and he says something interesting but doesn’t finish or explain what he said and hears something far away and shoots a wed and zooms away before he can explain. This is why it is called dating Spider-Man.

To fix this do prepare, quote, analyze, which is where you would flow into the upcoming quotation and then let the reader read it and then tell what the quote means to you or how to interpret it. Sometimes you can use quotes to hook the reader in but you have to know how to do it right Stedman 247).

Some people don’t realize but they drop in a citation without making it clear what information came from that source. This is called am I in the right movie? You don’t want to be sitting in the movie theatre lost on what’s going on and find out you are in the wrong movie. It would be like sitting in the movie theatre and the opening credits are for a different movie.

No one wants to just get up and walk out because they realized they are in the wrong movie but they do it anyways because its not what they wanted to see. This would be like if you wrote a paper and some of the writing did not relate tot the topic and no one was interested so they got up and walked away because its not what they expected.

The fix can be easy where “you read your essay out loud to someone else, and if you stumble as you enter a quotation, there’s probably something you can adjust” as your lead-in sentence to make them fit together more smoothly (Stedman 250). There is always a solution to a problem, you just need to find the problem to solve for the solution to make your writing better.

No one is perfect at writing, you will make a mistake which will be a problem and then either you or someone else will find the solution to help you. Be open minded when people are trying to help critic your writing because if you become lazy and don’t care about helping your writing skills then no one is going to want to hear or read what you say. People either don’t care and do what they want or just don’t know the rules and you need to encourage them and help them with writing. Before everyone becomes that slow driver in the fast lane.

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Annoying Ways People Use Sources by Kyle D. Stedman: Irritating Writing Habits and Mistakes. (2023, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/annoying-ways-people-use-sources-by-kyle-d-stedman-irritating-writing-habits-and-mistakes/

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