An Introduction to the Work of a Graphic Designer

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When your younger the common response for the question, what do you want top be when your older? Is Fireman, policeman, President, Dr. etc. When I was that age I didnt have a clue.

Now that I’m older and more mature I should have a pretty good idea. All the occupation I studied looked like they would be fun and fulfilling. But the only one I could even see myself doing is the Graphic Designer. Im not positive thats what Im going to strive to be but for the purpose of this paper I will have to say, Yes, I want to be a Graphics Designer.

I know I would like it and its one of them jobs that gives you extra freedom. I need this and thats why this is a perfect job for me. There is nothing I like more than someone telling me what to do.

How do I know what I want to be? Thats simple. First of all I had a fascination with computers ever since I got my first one. Anything that has to do with a computer Im on top of. In seventh grade I taught myself HTML code and JAVA script. Thats the codes used to make web pages and would be very important in this line of work. In 8th grade I took a computer art course and liked it a lot. Mrs. Augustine said I would have to be crazy if I didnt take my skills and apply them in the future. Plus I have cousin who just graduated from the U of M and is going into a similar line of work. Im sure I could ask him any questions I have relating to this. I also am taking graphic arts next quarter to see if I really like it. Thats when I will really decide.

If I went into this kind of work I think I would do mainly freelance work. Unless I could find someone to hire me to work at home. I know from personal experience I work better here.

Why do I want to be a Graphics Artist? Well youll probably tell me this is not enough but. I can sit on a computer all day and wont even blink once. I think of it more as fun than work. Another reason why I like this over other types of artistic work is because of the mechanical skills involved with drawing by hand. I suck at it. I have all these great ideas and dont know how to put them on paper. When I try it looks like crap, the computer lets my lines be perfectly straight, colors are perfect, and everything looks sharp. I think why I cant draw is because I dont have any patients with it, Im in a rush all the time. But when I do it on computer everything looks perfect. I also like the feeling I get when I make something that looks good plus if I get paid for it thats even better. So as you can see this would be the perfect job for me.

Right now I plan on going to the Minneapolis College of art and design, or Hennepin Tech. I cant decide witch one to go to so me and my parents are going to tour the campuses before too long.

In order to be eligible I need to take my Acts and SATS they have a minimum requirement at both schools. Besides that by next year I will have reached all the requirements necessary. I also have a rich grandma and grandpa that live 20 minutes away from Hennepin and they already said I could stay with them.

Before I took this class I always told anyone who asked that I was going to college but in the back of my head I was thinking YEA RIGHT. I think there may be a few people that know exactly how I feel. But now that Ive had this educational experience it has opened my eyes to the fact. Its so easy for me to go to college that I have to. I know youve heard the stories about the poor kid who has a kid, pays his own way works two jobs and takes care of his sick grandmother all so he can go to school. In other words I would have to be an idiot to not try whether I like it or not.

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An Introduction to the Work of a Graphic Designer. (2023, Apr 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-introduction-to-the-work-of-a-graphic-designer/

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