Advantages Of Using The Internet And Social Media Platforms

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A network is a collection of computers, network devices , servers , main frames or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data (Computer Hope 2018). In computing, a network consists of a group of devices which can communicate and in practice, it is made up of numerous different computer systems connected by physical and/or wireless connections. There are two connection methods namely wired connection and wireless connection.

There are many types of networks which include Local Area Networks (LANs) which require their own dedicated channels and encompasses a limited distance such as a home-office .A second network is Personal Area Networks (PANS) , this a computer network used to connect devices that are close to persons for example personal computers and wireless printers. A third and fourth one is Campus Area Network and Metropolitan Area Network ( CANs and MANs ). MANs connect two or more local area networks via connect routers, switches and hubs within a specific area and CANs is a connection of LANs within a limited area such as a university campus. Another major network is Wide Area Network (WAN) which covers a large geographical distance by connecting multiple routers and public communication.

Some uses of networks are for email , groupware , voicemail and fax, teleconferencing , data conferencing , video conferencing , distance learning and the biggest one of them all , the internet . According to oxford reference ,”the internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.” The concept and process of communication in today’s world is very dynamic and the internet is considered a large mass communication medium as it seen as one of the biggest worldwide media/ media for exchanging information. When trying to connect The University of the West Indies (UWI)campuses in different areas , internet mediums/media is deemed the best means as it one of the fastest, flexible and versatile way of receiving and responding to information.

“The term media, which is the plural of medium , refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music , movies , education , promotional messages and other data”(Market Business News). Media describes the way in which we communicate in society and it consists of everything ranging from a telephone call to the evening news . Media can be split into two categories: broadcast and print. “Print media refers to paper publications in the form of physical editions of books , magazines , journals and newsletters ”( Soyang 2017). On the other hand , broadcast media refers to the information transmitted via the television and radio.

Within these broad categories there are numerous subcategories. One type of broadcast media is the television , this is a form of mass media which is generally used at targeting the public or it can be tailored for a specific target market. Advantages of this media includes its wide reach of audience , it carries a high status and perceived credibility , by utilising audio and visual it makes it more appealing to individuals and it creates awareness and excitement. However , some of its disadvantages are the fact that not everyone has access to a television , broadcasting information can be costly , there is limited or no room for interaction and the programs are not always aired at convenient times .

A second broadcast media is the radio, like television it can reach many individuals. Using the radio carries many advantages such as it is significantly less expensive compared to other media types, it allows for selected targeting, it is more memorable when compared to written as sound is more effectively stored in memory and the effectives of using the radio can be easily measured. Some disadvantages on the other hand include the fact that it is an audio medium with no room for communication unless it is an interactive radio station, some radio station’s rage is limited therefore not everyone will have access, people usually listen to the radio while driving and may not give their full attention to what is being said and what one hears on the radio is ephemeral , after they hear it , it’s gone .

Moving onto print, one media is the newspapers which delivers information on current situations and activities to the literate public. Advantages of using the newspapers are that the individual can review and re-read as much times as needed , it is an affordable means of promoting and sharing information and it is flexible in terms of the amount of information that can be printed . The disadvantages however are , it only geared towards literate individuals , it is not as deep reach as the television or radio and the publication depends on the whim of the editors and availability of space.

Finally , a fourth media is websites/internet and blogs which is for computer literate individuals which allows for lots of potential for participation and communication as well as ease of dissemination of information . This media allows numerous pros with include the fact that global information can be obtained , it allows for ease of communication virtually in any parts of the world , many sites allow individuals to discuss and share their thoughts and opinions with others who live far away and the internet/world wide web serves as is a virtual treasure trove of information . The flip side to this is that not everyone may have access to a computer and by extension an internet connection , establishing a webpage can be costly, students may abuse the use of the internet and neglect their studies and there is also the risk of internet theft and misuse of information also known as plagiarism.

UWI has numerous media options available to them namely a school website , a mobile app , mobile notifications and alerts , email and social media . School websites provides an important service for schools as it is a self-service portal containing all kinds of information . A website makes it easy to manage and share content and can also be used to promote school events on the homepage banner . The mobile app however makes it more convenient and efficient to deliver information such as alerts , calendars and news. For notifications and alerts , important reminders can be communicated through the SMS (text). The email channel is and old but gold ,key channel for schools as it facilitates a one on one personal communication from student to student or professor to student. Using email can range from reminders, registration, policies and a variety of other announcements . Lastly ,the most popular one social media. “Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time” ( Hudson 2019).Social media channels such as Instagram , twitter , snapchat, YouTube and Facebook are the driving force in many businesses for sharing information. The wonderful fact about social media is the flexibility and ease of sharing content which can be linked to other media channels and how easily it can she shared amongst individuals or a group of people.

The media option I would choose is social media .Out of all the options UWI is faced with , by using social media platforms to connect its campuses it is expected to reap the most positive outcomes. Most of the university are fluent in the language of social media which allows professors to utilise this as an educational tool . By doing so , they can enrich the experience of learning to foster collaboration and discussions to allow the exchange of ideas and dialogue as well as boost student interaction . Social media also improves the communication among students and teachers . Teachers can answer student’s questions at the touch of a button which promotes speedy responses. Further to this , it enhances student engagement outside of the classroom as well as allows students to build better communication skills for example the shy ones who won’t raise their hands in class may feel more comfortable expressing themselves over a screen . Additionally , being in the technological era and a digital driven world , in order to foster heavy interaction , connection and communication ,social media is the best route to take when trying to connect campuses that are spread over different geographical locations.

The easiest and most effective way to present my choice to the principal is by illustrating the facts and benefits of it . In addition , a survey and questionnaire will be carried out to present raw data on the expected positive responses of students towards using social media as a connector for the campuses.


Bbamantra. (2017, October 23). Media – Types of Media, Print, Broadcast, Outdoor, Internet – BBA: mantra. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from https://bbamantra.com/media-types-characteristics/
Hudson, M. (2019, May 8). Learn What Social Media Is and How to Use It to Grow Your Business. Retrieved April 5, 2020, from https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-is-social-media-2890301
internet. (n.d.). Retrieved April 4, 2020, from https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100008533
Nordqvist, C. (2019, February 13). What is media? Definition and meaning. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/media-definition-meaning/
soyang, A. (n.d.). What is the meaning of print media? Retrieved April 6, 2020, from http://www.soyang.net/blog/what-is-the-meaning-of-print-media-2/
What is a Network? (2018, November 13). Retrieved April 4, 2020, from https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/n/network.htm


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Advantages Of Using The Internet And Social Media Platforms. (2022, Nov 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/advantages-of-using-the-internet-and-social-media-platforms/

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