According to UNESCO – Sex Education

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According to UNESCO, the primary goal of sex education is to equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills and values to make responsible choices about their sexual and social relationships. That’s why I propose that our school start a sex education program that will teach students from primary school to high school about sex education and prepare them for the life ahead.

The program should promote self-awareness and equitable social norms including consent, to remove the negative connotation and the stigma associated with sexuality and teach students about how to live a healthy and happy sexual life. It should build confidence and communication among children and a better understanding of their body and sexuality so that children can freely talk to each other, their parents and their teachers about problems and questions and consult doctors when needed. It is also important to teach children to understand issues such as discrimination against certain sexualities and sexual assault and sexual abuse so that they don’t become the perpetrators of such heinous crimes and are able to get help when victims.

The program should also prepare children for puberty and adolescence and understand the changes in their body including beginning of the menstrual cycle and sperm production and teach what they should do during that time. The program should also inform children about safe sex, diseases they may acquire and the problems they may face and how to deal with them.

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According to UNESCO – Sex Education. (2020, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/according-to-unesco-sex-education/



What is sex education according to authors?
Sexuality education aims to develop and strengthen the ability of children and young people to make conscious, satisfying, healthy and respectful choices regarding relationships, sexuality and emotional and physical health. Sexuality education does not encourage children and young people to have sex.
What is the general purpose of sex education?
The purpose of sex education is to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and values to make responsible decisions about their sexual health. The goal is to help young people develop healthy relationships and avoid risky behaviors.
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