This is the most visible case of crime, and authoritarianism among politicians that I have ever seen in history, because 5% of the population in the world live in the United States and 25% percent of that population are in prison which its 1/4th of the population in the world. This imprisonment is well planned in all cases.
This is supposed to be the land of the free, but convenient just for some few elite. We are part of choices in which it depends on the color of the skin to be privileged. The 13th amendment of the US Constitution said that it is unconstitutional to be slaved, it grants freedom to all its citizens except all criminals, but prison represents a huge economic system well planned that benefits a series of contractors and government, that’s one of the reasons that, for minor crimes, people go to jail, but there’s more. Ever since the emancipation proclamation which free black people, it was just a cover, because slavery in other forms takes place in history to keep minorities and black people at bay.
We are going to talk about slavery that supposedly ended, but in reality it did not. In the past, when the emancipation proclamation happened there were all this people that were property and now they are free, so the government and the ranchers, and wealthy people asked how are we going to rebuild the economy? Well after the civil war African Americans were arrested in mass and were the first prison built. Criminalized for any minor situation as today 2020, proved that provide labor goes well to build the economy. The same situation hasn’t changed a bit because for so many years contractors and a lot of ‘wealthy’ people owners of big companies that are making business and lots of money over the pain of the people that is in prison in 2020 is still happening. Prisoners work for for free which is an elegant term for exploitation which is slavery. Most of the people that is in prison are black and Latino.
After the civil war black people experienced an invisible freedom, because they were incarcerated for any kind of minor thing to work for free, which in terms are again…slavery. Besides the imprisonment that black people suffered there were this myth, I called lies under a mask, that black people were characterized or pointed as dangerous, that they were out of control, and there were a threat of violence to white woman, there were a movie called the ‘the birth of a nation’ in which black people were appeared as evil. There were scary scenes of what it was the ku klux klan, which in fact they were terrorist and murderers with permission killing black people. What it is unbelievable to me at that era was the mentality, the horror, the evil treatment to a human being, just for hate and to make business and profits of this situation and having this horrific mentality of racism, unfortunately there still groups out there that still have that horrific mentality of racism harming a human being judging it targeting them for the color of the skin, it is just outrageous!
African Americans were murdered by mobs, they had to move to California to save themselves from being killed and there are many stories that happened and still are happening today, is like open terrorism.
In the political field the human rights movements had to make their voice, there has been a fight because of segregation in the past, division in schools. Human right activist were criminalized just for fighting for the rights of African Americans to participate in the normal daily lives. This has been a fight for years, in the 1970’s began an era in terms of mass incarceration. In the era of Nixon era and in this law in order when this started to get worse 357,292 black people in prison. Politician masked with the term of crime the black civil right movement. Nixon articulate this accurately. His administration provided more money to law enforcement to make law and order. What was the excuse ‘drugs’ that flag has been waved for over 50 years, in which followed by Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan with his campaign of ‘just say no’ to imprison all the black people they could among other races they weren’t white.
In the 1970 was clear that after the civil movement they didn’t want to spark or targeting just African Americans they started a campaign in which they arrested hippies for possession but that was an excuse, the target were black people. Dr. Mather Luther King, in his speech said the he was tired of living under threat every day, he wanted to live among everyone, but still black people live in fear in 2020. Why a human being has to ask for that? if its a NATURAL right for every human being no matter the color, the race or where it come from! It’s very important to learn from this, I can’t call it terrible mistakes it’s too light. I call it a terrible horror of living, people need to change mentality because is terrifying that is still happening, or can happen to anyone, we need to understand human dignity, there’s still a lot to do.
About African Americans Fight For Their Rights
- Updated June 8, 2022
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About African Americans Fight For Their Rights. (2022, Jun 08). Retrieved from