A Poem Analysis of Out and Out by Robert Frost

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This is a poem about a young boy who using a buzz saw who becomes distracted by the thought of dinner and cuts his hand. Later when the doctor arrives, the boy slowly dies. The buzz-saw snarling and rattling in the yard is the sound the saw makes when the boy is cutting what im assuming is a blossoming tree. Also, note the words snarling and rattling bring a sort of dangerous association to the saw. I think its a blossoming tree because it says when the breeze draws accorss it it was very sweet and scented. The scene is in Vermont with 5 large mountains in the background and the sun setting. I found it very interesting how the sun was setting. light convening to darkness as a symbol when the boy cuts his hand off. The saw ran light and heavy. through thick cuts of wood and thin cuts and then It says that nothing happened’ day was all but done. This probably meant that the boy wasnt getting all to much accomplished.

Call it a day, I Wish they might have said. The author wanted to see the boy get a hall an hour off work because this poem is written in hind sight. The author knows what is gorng to happen and is looking back and now Wishes he had the hour off from work to prevent this accrdent. The boys sister calls supper, and the boy haphazardly lets go of the saw and neither the boys hand nor the saw refused the meeting. (He cut his hand) His first reactoin was to hold it up for everyone to see and to keep the blood from spilling out. At that moment he knew he should not have been doing a mans work while still a boy at heart. HE tells his sister to not let the doctor cut his hand off, but the hand was so irreversibly damaged, the doctor had to. He put him under ether, a local anesthetic, and the boy died slowly as a result.

The last lines are very morbid, since it wasnt them. the returned to their affairs, Pretty sick. The poem’s tone was one of acceptance; there was no Signs of sadness or emotions from the family. In fact his family treated it much like they might a rabbit getting hit on the freeway a very shit happens type attitude and emotionless tone. This is very disturbing to me. I found a few metaphors that were used to describe the accident: But half as if to keep the life from spilling. The poet is using this phrase instead of saying To stop himself from bleeding to death. The metaphor of blood being the boys life, which is ultimately how the boy died, bleeding to death.

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A Poem Analysis of Out and Out by Robert Frost. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-poem-analysis-of-out-and-out-by-robert-frost/

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