A Narrative of My Experiences of Missing You

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And it starts again, the episode where I’m again alone, alone with my thoughts. This episode of my life is totally based on being the ranger who wanders from place to place in search of peace, love, togetherness, harmony, compassion and betterment wander through the dark in search of light, searching for a ray of hope. Holding on tight to the good times, the memories that you left me with. Hoping that I’ll be seeing you soon. “It’s been a long time since I last saw you” this voice echo’s in my ears making me unable to hear other things. My mind, was just stuck at one place refusing to think about something else. My heart beats every second call out to your name. My arms, waiting to feel your presence in them. My palms, waiting to feel the warmth of your skin. My eyes are searching for you everywhere hoping they’ll get a glance of your face. My nose, patiently waiting to smell your fragrance.

My ips they’re getting dry, wanting a sweet romantic kiss to be felt on them. “Soul meets soul on lover’s lips”, this saying becomes so true when I’m with you. Being with you gives me the feeling of being in paradise, while staying away from you is not less than being sentenced to stay alone in a dark cell for the rest of the time of my life. When you’re not with me, days seem like months and weeks like years. Every word that you speak mesmerizes me. Every gesture of yours amazes me. Every touch of yours gives me goosebumps. Every look of yours is so mysterious. It’s been a long time we’ve been together but even today get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see you. Spending days without you is so hard for me. I feel so lonely like there’s no one to hear me. When you’re around I keep talking for hours together. You bring a new energy in me, a joy of living my life.

Spending time with you is not just a sweet romantic meet with you but it’s the most blessed moment of my life. To look at you, adore your beauty and then look down at the ground blushing and thinking how blessed I am to have you with me in my life. Long strolls with you are the best part of the meet. Hand in hand we take steps forward and a sweet conversation goes on. When words fall short, eyes express everything. I’m patiently waiting for you to return to me, I swear I’ll be so happy that I’ll jump and hug you so tight and never let you go.

Without you my life is like an empty flower vase, waiting to be filled with different flowers of emotions and fragrances. My life is like a plain canvas and you’re the painter that paints my canvas with different colors ofjoy. Your presence revives me while your absence is like a slow poison until we meet again it kills me from inside, slowly slowly…bit by bit. ljust want to be heard by you. These loud cries, the cries for attention, a warm hug, love, care. The fact that you’re not here upsets me every moment and just feel like you left me here all alone! Just come back ASAP because I’m not on my senses without you.

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A Narrative of My Experiences of Missing You. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-narrative-of-my-experiences-of-missing-you/

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