A Look at the Benefits of Stupidity

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When one is called stupid. it is seen as a demeaning insult. Yet. many people do not realize all the advantages to being stupid. Everyone always looks at the negative aspects while neglecting to look at the positive ones. It is a well-known fact that stupid people are never asked to do anything that is of imponance. This fact causes a lack of responsibility which leads to more free time for the stupid person. One can use that free time to do what one wants and indulge in life’s more meaninglul pleasures. Stupidity can, in some cases, create job security, Stupid people tend to do things out of order and in a confusing manner. By doing so. many people do not understand what one is doing.

Therefore, the employer has no choice but to keep the stupid one employed, If by chance one is fired it just leaves more free time once again. It is also believed that being stupid will get one no where. Yet, look at Forrest Gump. Sure, hes a fictional character, but he never had to worry about money. He was even a decorated war hero. In the mowe, he worried that little Forrest would be stupid like himself. Even Forrest Gump didnt realize that stupidity is a blessing, not a burden. One of the most common theories in todays society is that all blondes are stupid. Even though this theory has never been proven, most people have accepted it as fact.

If one is blonde then one is considered stupidYet. it is always said that blondes have more fun. One of the last advantages is that stupid people are always remembered by others. Stupid people stick out in someone elses mind more than average kids. The recollection of stupid people is for the simple fact that everyone wants to know that there is always someone stupider than helshe is. Evidence clearly shows that there are more advantages to being stupid then there are disadvantages. So when one is called stupid, it should not be taken as an insult, but as a compliment. For after all, stupid people are special.

Stupid people often leave a lasting impression on others. Their actions and behaviors tend to stand out in someone’s memory more than those of average individuals. This lasting impression stems from the human fascination with comparing oneself to others and finding solace in the knowledge that there is always someone considered stupider. Thus, being remembered for one’s perceived lack of intelligence can create a unique and distinctive presence.

In conclusion, the advantages of stupidity are often overlooked in our society. The freedom from responsibility, potential job security, unconventional problem-solving, ability to defy stereotypes, and memorable presence are aspects that deserve recognition. While being called “stupid” is typically seen as an insult, it can be reframed as a compliment, acknowledging the distinctive qualities of those considered less intelligent. It is crucial to remember that intelligence is not the sole determinant of happiness or success, and society should embrace the diversity of talents and perspectives.

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A Look at the Benefits of Stupidity. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-look-at-the-benefits-of-stupidity/

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