A Discussion on the Meaning of Life

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The meaning of life is a question that humanity has been asking for ages, who am I to state a simple statement to say what it could be? I’m just one human. But then again we all are just human. Each of us live different lives and have different perspectives on life. Each of us have different lifestyles and goals that lead us to our goals in life and many of these may just be simple such as finding love, finding happiness, becoming a good person or to become powerful. From my perspective I currently think that the meaning of life is to become aware. Aware of what possibilities of what life can bring to us if we put in the time and effort into it Aware of what happens in not just our lives but in other people’s lives, all over the world. Become knowledgeable and learn as much as we can about this world because knowledge is power and be aware that each of us has the potential to do this. To live life, to find happiness, to become a better person, to love, to hate, to the we all start the same and end the same, we‘re born and we die but the difference is how we go about our lives.

We should be aware that we are able to shape our lives, our bodies and our minds Aware that we are just single individuals full in a world of millions of other minds each living a different life. We each have a different purpose and have different meanings in our lives. For me, [don‘t know what my meaning is but I do know thatl want to become aware of who I am and what I want in life. Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living and I totally agree, because when one doesn‘t analyze their life they don’t see what they are missing out on. Life is full of possibilities. To find meaning in my own life I have to find at what I’m passionate about and find happiness and surround myself by people I love and things. I believe that when these conditions are met I‘ll be able to find my true meaning of life I have to learn everything I can in this lifetime I’m given. I have to learn to become as best of a person as I can, and to learn how to treat others with kindness and respect.

Being able to control my emotions and not lettings my desires overcome my life and learn to be happy with what I have and instead appreciate life more and take it slow. I have to learn who I really am if I were to find meaning in my own life. To do this I need to meditate, and go deep inside of my mind and understand myself and accept how I think even if it may seem like it isn’t right or wrong. Being able to travel and View the world from outside these suburbs I’m born in and have adventures and experience life in a new and exciting way and to meet all kinds of people on their own journeys of self-fulfillment. Self-fulfillment is my key to be able to find meaning in my own life The fulfillment of one’s hopes and ambitions. Having ambitions. Having hope. Being able to trust myself, Being able to get through the dark days and be able to enjoy the little things even on the darkest On the bright days, trying to make someone else’s day a bit brighter.

There are a lot of things in life I feel I would like to do and it is part of my journey to finding meaning of life because in reality, I don’t think anyone really knows what the meaning of life truly is because it is how one sees it. The darkest soul may see a bleak and dull view of life and that is how their life may be, but a soul that is bright and full of life and hopes and dreams may have a different kind of life. By experiencing the world and learning about myself I believe that I would be able to find meaning in my life. I don’t know if I ever actually will find that meaning of life but what I do know is that journey to reach the answer will be the key to being able to live a fulfilling life and maybe that could just be the meaning to simply, just live.

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A Discussion on the Meaning of Life. (2023, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-discussion-on-the-meaning-of-life/

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