A Comparison of the Similarities Between Rudy and the Other College Admission Applicants in the Movie Rudy

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Write an essay showing the similarities between the main character Rudy and one of the other college admission applicants. The similarities you describe should be associated with the traits displayed by the two. You must provide evidence from the text and the movie to show proof of argument. Rudy Ruettiger from the movie based on a true story, “Rudy”, is a determined person. He is willing to do anything in order to be on the Notre Dame Football team, even when everyone put him down. After analyzing evidence in James Gregory essay, “Chunky Peanut Butter”, it is my opinion that he is most like Rudy because they both are flexible, persistent, and put everything together.

First of all, both Rudy and James are flexible. According to the text, “I lead through example, but I am flexible. lam able to work with any kind of jelly”. This shows that James is flexible. Rudy was also flexible. Rudy went to Holy Cross first in order to get in to Notre Dame. Also, he was willing to work with the groundskeeper in order to be a part of Notre Dame. Secondly, both Rudy and James are persistent. According to the text, “I refuse to give up until I attain this dream”. This shows thatJames will not give up until he attains his dream of becoming a physician.

Why I feel as if early college is a good fit for me and the peace of early college is nice to I’m not a big fan of a crowded class or drama I like a lot of space a little people I think better in peace I have my good traits when I‘m really focused I’m zoned in I have my ways of hiding it but I’m a bit of nerd I love school I like the idea of learning it’s like your trying to figure out what your brain can do and that honestly is what keeps me content in school I know that early college is a big hill to climb but I truly believe that I am ready. Also, Rudy didn’t give up until he achieved his goal of becoming a Notre Dame Football player. Rudy did everything he could in order to achieve this goal. He also tried even when everyone including his father put him down. Lastly, both James and Rudy keep everything together. According to the text, “Although I may not be as showy as the jelly or as visible as the bread, I am the heart of the sandwich. I am essential to the sandwich’s success”.

This shows that withoutJames, the team wouldn’t be complete, and it wouldn’t be complete. Rudy also keeps everything together. One of Rudy’s teammates didn’t quitjust because of Rudy. He was inspired by Rudy’s amount of effort. Many of the other teammates were inspired by Rudy’s amount of effort, and wanted Rudy to dress in their place for the game. Therefore, James Gregory from “Chunky Peanut Butter’ is similar to Rudy Ruettiger from the move based on a true story “Rudy” because they both are flexible, persistent, and keep everything together. Which means that both James are able to work with any problem. Also, they will never give up and keep trying until achieve their goals. Lastly, they both are essential to their teams. Without them, the team isn’t complete.


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A Comparison of the Similarities Between Rudy and the Other College Admission Applicants in the Movie Rudy. (2023, May 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-comparison-of-the-similarities-between-rudy-and-the-other-college-admission-applicants-in-the-movie-rudy/

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