Why I will be Good in Registered Nurse Career

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The Career I have chosen to research is AND-RN, with the specialty of Pediatrics and Labor and Delivery. This career is hands on healthcare professionals who provide focused personalized patient care. Being a nurse helps promotes patient health, prevents disease and help them cope with illnesses. Regardless of who the patient is from a health center, prison, summer camp a nurse will ensure that the patient receives the best care possible with their physical or behavioral needs.

Duties that an RN carries are preforming physical exams, which includes taking health histories and vital signs. They also, promote health by carrying for the patients wellbeing. Nurses also administer medications, counsel and educate patients on their health. A typical day of work for a Registered nurse might be administering medications, consult with other healthcare professionals on the team, monitor the care of their patients, and manage medical records during their shift. This is a career built of care and compassion.

Professional Skills that are needed to be a Registered Nurse are hospital experience, critical care, acute care, treatment planning, CPR and ACLS, life support and patient and family education. These are skills that are acquired in the educational nursing program. Experience required to become a RN is completing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing. Nurses also need to complete supervised practical care as a part of completing the degree. Organizations that offer this job are American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN),

American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (AANN), American Nurses Association (ANA), Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), and National Association of License Practical Nurses (NALPN). The average income a RN holds in the state of Texas is $74,540. Nursing is also a job that is in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nursing is among the top 10 occupations for job growth between 2014 and 2024, and is expected to increase 16%. The good thing that with in Houston has a large medical field so there is a large amount of local nursing jobs.

In order to become a registered nurse a student must first research nursing options available, this means deciding on your long term goals to achieve a ADN (Associate’s Degree in Nursing) or a BSN (Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing). Then enroll into the nursing school that you are able to pursue your career. The last steps are completing the nursing coursework and clinicals. Graduate and pass the NCLEX-RN exam, this is required to become a licensed registered nurse.

The curriculum shows that for the ADN program it only has five semesters, each semester has the most five classes I order to finish in time with the associates degree. Prior to all of this the program itself has prerequisite classes needed to be completed before applying to the Nursing program. This education requires a heavy weight curriculum, so paying for school would have to come out of my savings. In this career there are internships available, in order to gain more real experience with patient care which is required.

Based on my inventory results and knowledge of myself I believe that I do have everything it takes to be successful in this field. This career will serve communities, local people and their families in need of health care. My personal value of being a nurse is dedication to the wellbeing of others. Pursuing this career will maintain a comfortable lifestyle for my family, but that’s not why I chose it, it’s to be essential in society and care for others.

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Why I will be Good in Registered Nurse Career. (2021, Apr 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-will-be-good-in-registered-nurse-career/

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