Unveiling the Epic Hero: A Study of Heroism in Epic Literature

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In the grand panorama of literature, a distinctive character archetype has continuously fascinated readers and stimulated generations – the Epic Hero. This formidable figure, usually at the heart of epic narratives, embodies the culture’s values and ideals. But what truly encapsulates an epic hero? Let’s explore the defining attributes that construct this ageless archetype.

Main Discussion:

An epic hero typically holds a grand standing, often emerging from royal or divine ancestry, renowned for their exceptional might, valor, and wisdom. They reside in the sphere of the extraordinary, boasting capabilities far exceeding those of an average individual, but at the same time, they possess deep human flaws, making their adventures compelling and their triumphs significant.

A fundamental trait of the epic hero is their unwavering commitment to “kleos” or glory. This quest for immortal renown steers the hero’s deeds, pushing them to embark on grueling journeys, confront formidable adversaries, and surmount overwhelming hurdles. Whether it’s Achilles’ fierce chase for glory in Homer’s “Iliad” or Beowulf’s audacious conflict with Grendel, the epic hero’s journey embodies their quest for “kleos”.

The epic hero’s quest for glory often propels them into the unfamiliar, stretching their boundaries. They brave hazardous territories and uncertainties, facing antagonists that challenge their physical strength and mental fortitude. These ordeals highlight the hero’s remarkable attributes, showcasing their courage and resilience. Be it Odysseus steering through treacherous waters and combating mythical beasts on his homeward journey, or Arjuna grappling with his own kin and ethical conundrums in the Mahabharata, the epic hero’s brush with adversity forms an indispensable part of their narrative.

Another key aspect of the epic hero’s persona is “arete”, or virtue. They represent the pinnacle of societal virtues, whether it’s bravery, wisdom, or piety. They bear their culture’s moral beacon, wading through the murky depths of their epic quests guided by these virtues. These moral characteristics not only elevate the hero’s persona but also serve as a moral compass for the audience, demonstrating a model of virtuous conduct and the rewards it entails.

Moreover, epic heroes often share a distinctive bond with the divine. They are frequently steered, shielded, or challenged by gods or supernatural entities, and their voyages often encompass elements of the mystical or metaphysical. The divine intervention in the hero’s life adds a fresh layer of complexity to their character and accentuates their extraordinary nature. The gods may function as mentors, imparting wisdom and aid, or they may test the hero’s perseverance and grit. Either way, the divine presence magnifies the hero’s journey and underlines their importance within the larger cosmic scheme.

Despite their extraordinary traits, epic heroes are not exempt from flaws or “hamartia”. These human weaknesses not only render the character more accessible but also act as pivotal plot elements. The hero’s battle against their flaws and their ultimate triumph (or failure) forms the crux of many epic tales. These shortcomings can span from pride and arrogance to rash behavior or a fatalistic viewpoint. The hero’s inner battles and their confrontation with their own limitations infuse depth and complexity to their character, enabling the audience to relate to their struggles on a personal level.

In addition to their personal flaws, epic heroes frequently encounter ethical predicaments and moral choices. These decision-making junctures highlight the hero’s ethical resolve and test their fidelity to the values they uphold. The choices they make not only dictate their destiny but also have profound repercussions for the societies they symbolize. These moral quandaries further humanize the hero and stimulate introspection and contemplation among the audience.


The epic hero, an extraordinary entity traversing the maze of fate, reflects the aspirations and values of a society. They exemplify the ideals of strength, courage, and virtue, while simultaneously acknowledging their flaws and wrestling with the intricacies of the human experience. Though they inhabit the spheres of the extraordinary, their struggles resonate with universal human experiences of victory, loss, and self-realization. By comprehending the epic hero, we glean profound insights into our shared human experience and the standards we strive for. Amid trials and tribulations, the epic hero stands as an enduring emblem of our unbeatable spirit and relentless chase for glory and virtue. Through their narratives, we find motivation, guidance, and a deeper understanding of our own selves. The legacy of the epic hero persists, reminding us of the timeless verities that sculpt our lives and the ageless power of storytelling to elucidate the human spirit.


  1. Homer. “The Iliad.” (8th Century BC)
  2. Homer. “The Odyssey.” (8th Century BC)
  3. Anonymous. “Beowulf.” (Between 8th and the early 11th Century)
  4. Virgil. “The Aeneid.” (29–19 BC)
  5. Aristotle. “Poetics.” (335 BC)
  6. Northrop, Frye. “Anatomy of Criticism.” (1957)
  7. Campbell, Joseph. “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” (1949)
  8. Raglan, Lord. “The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth and Drama.” (1936)
  9. Propp, Vladimir. “Morphology of the Folktale.” (1928)
  10. Abrams, M.H. “A Glossary of Literary Terms.” (1957)
  11. Booker, Christopher. “The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories.” (2004)

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Unveiling the Epic Hero: A Study of Heroism in Epic Literature. (2023, Jul 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/unveiling-the-epic-hero-a-study-of-heroism-in-epic-literature/

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