Genre of Gilgamesh Literary Analysis

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Gilgamesh is a well recognized epic, made over a thousand years by cultural stories of the legendary king, Gilgamesh, who ruled Uruk, which is the majestic Sumerian city located presently in Iraq around 2700 BCE. The oral stories were put together by a poet and cast into the narrative form of the epic between 2000 and 1600 BCE and ended up being written on clay tablets called cuneiform during the supremacy of Assurbanipal in 668-627 BCE. The epic puts forth its main concern as Gilgamesh’s experience that he puts together during his journeys as well as monuments that he makes upon his return. Like the Homeric epics, Gilgamesh begins in medias res during the rule of a wild king, comprised of two thirds god and one third man. (‘Enkidu.’ 2016) While Gilgamesh is strong, he is cruel and naive and needs to discover what it means to be human if he is to become a good ruler and father.

An epic is an extended narrative poem in a heightened and proud language. An epic celebrates feats of a hero. There is always a character that is identified as an epic hero who seeks immortality and only finds it through fame. The epic of Gilgamesh is classified as an epic because it fits with the certain characteristics of an epic literacy genre that is a long poem that tells a story. The story itself was carried on orally before it was recorded. The story is written in repetition style as an epic genre.

An example of repetition is when Gilgamesh is on his hunt for immortality. He is continuously told the same thing, and his responses to what he is being told stay the same as well. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest well known writings in human history. It is an epic poem that narrates the story revolving around the life of a man named Gilgamesh. This historic, poetic piece of literature predates Homer’s earliest writings by 1500 years. For this reason, many historians put it as the oldest remaining remnant of an epic in the history of western literature. (“The Epic Hero.” 2005) The epic includes Gilgamesh as an epic hero who searches for immortality. Gods are also involved and the message delivered is continual. This is considered a heroic quest.

This story is considered an epic piece of poetry because it includes a hero who is Gilgamesh and the hero of this epic goes on a search for immortality. This kind of search is seen in many ancient epics. After the death of Endiku, Gilgamesh realizes he will die one day also. From the beginning, Gilgamesh has an infatuation with fame, his reputation and is against death and separation. When Enkidu dies while fighting Humbaba, there is a noticeable change in Gilgamesh’s character.

Since Enkidu was his close and only friend, he is able to see himself that everyone is mortal. By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himself and changes the views of the people in his city. (“Epic of Gilgamesh-Other ancient Civilizations.” 2009) The great accomplishment of killing Humbaba makes him a better, noble person because he protects his city and for his love of Enkidu and his people. This is a huge change from the beginning of the story. There are no major changes in the character of Gilgamesh until Enkidu enters the picture. Enkidu is the main reason for the changes in the personality of Gilgamesh.

The main factor contributing to the changes in Gilgamesh is the love that develops with Enkidu. Enkidu is made to make Gilgamesh more human. In the first paragraph of the book the gods are angry with Gilgamesh and send down an equal of himself which is Enkidu. (“Epic of Gilgamesh-Other ancient Civilizations.” 2009) After becoming friends, Gilgamesh changes because he has an equal to be with.

Repetition give value to themes present in the story, or features of a character. Sometimes repetition also shows differences between events or characters. Besides reinforcing elements in the story, repetition also suggests that these stories may have had a strong oral tradition and were largely passed down in this form before being transferred to tablets. Comparison is also shown between characters and again reinforces one of the themes of the story which is companionship. Enkidu and Gilgamesh are almost mirrors of each other. Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim also share some characteristics in the sense that they have both gained knowledge. (“The Epic Hero.” 2005) Enkidu and Gilgamesh enter on two quests. Gilgamesh’s journey to the underworld shows his quest with Enkidu.

A common theme ancient stories, is that the hero must commence on a journey in order to discover who he is. Initially, Enkidu travels from the wilderness with Shamhat to civilization to meet Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh begins his journey with Enkidu by traveling to the Cedar Forest to defeat Humbaba. After Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh’s personal journey begins. He seeks out Utnapishtim to learn the secret of immortality.

His journey concludes with his return to Uruk. In this case, Gilgamesh’s journey is a straightforward reflection of his internal struggle and journey to become a better, selfless leader. The work shows the theme of death and explores the understanding that despite even the greatest achievements and powers, a human is powerless against death. Gilgamesh must also come to terms with his own nature and learn to die, since he is both a man and a god, and as both he will experience loss and will die.


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Genre of Gilgamesh Literary Analysis. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/genre-of-gilgamesh/

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