The Value of Creativity Classes in Schools

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A child’s creativity classes can improve academic and social interactions, helping for the to flourish with opportunities growth of maturity. There’s many ways creativity is an asset to a child’s life. It can help the child’s thinking , problem solving , and can build character. In (Ericks Robelens’) article “Coming to Schools: Creativity Indexes.” mentions may ways how creativity can factor in a child’s life:

“Creativity is now as important in Education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.’ In these dynamic times, creativity and imagination is more important than knowledge. Education reformers around the world have time and again expressed the need to transform the rote methods of education into ways that can nurture creativity & imagination. As we realise the importance of the 21st century skills, more and more digital tools of creativity are being adapted inside the range of experiences that schools provide to their students”.(ROBLEN)

Many English, Social Studies, Math classes require you to think outside the box and to use creativity. For example in Reading , it gives children the option to roam their imagination and also with over time it also can help with cognitive skills, this helps build a base where a child can retain information.Classes like art are one of many classes that are viable to a child’s creativity and also a large portion of their childhood. Such as in this article of (Mia Weber) ‘Class-IC favorites: our annual guide to fall classes is undeniable proof that there’s tons of fun & learning to be had in the city for kids of all ages.’ it explains at a young age many small activities and classes help build character:

“ABC Do-Re-Me: The Musical Playdate program provides a perfect balance between laughing and learning. Instruments, dance, and singing add to the party at this 45-minute drop-in class is designed for children ages 0-5 years and their caregivers. abcdoreme NYC.com. Apple seeds: The scribble and dribble combo class will get your child’s creative juices flowing with watercolors, oil pastels, and spin art. As their masterpieces dry, smocks are traded for athletic gear as kids then gear up for the sport of the week in apple CORE training”. (WEBER)

These classes in New York City offer many classes that are to enable a way a kid feels. Such as , if a child has problems with the way they express themselves or understanding the way they feel, they can paint, or draw ect. Which can give an idea to an adult if any concern is needed or if a five- year old is not feeling well ,they will be able to take a step forward and see what is happening with the child. It can also help expand a social life , because many kids can find things in common and become more social and develop more communication skills.

In many articles like( Phyllis Brody’s )and (Evelyn Greenwald’s). ‘The importance of being creative: new toys should let children exercise more of their imagination.’ can explain many ways creativity is valuable to classes and children.

“The International Foundation of Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE) commissioned the Centre for Real-World Learning (CRL) to review the literature on the assessment of creativity in schools and to ‘establish the viability of creating an assessment framework for tracking the development of young people’s creativity in schools’ (Lucas et al., 2013, p. 5).

When developing the framework, the CRL considered the fundamental importance of ‘locating creativity in a broader social and contextual view of learning’ (Lucas, 2016, p. 281) so the tool could be used across a variety of contexts both in and out of school.” Many frameworks and study-guides of teachers are surrounded by creativity and how can keep children engaged and how they can still come out with a lesson taught even if it’s all fun.

Even though when kids turn into teens, and go into High School, many classes such as: Agriculture , Medical Classes, Veterinarian Classes. Are all hands on , and have more interaction what will happen and will be expected in the real world situations. My personal experience is with my Health Science Theory class.This class provides many hands on “virtual hospital” with mechanic patients where we practice treating and procedures and get an idea what to do and handle specific situations. Such as in the article of Jaarsveld, Saskia ‘Intelligence and Creativity in problem solving: The importance of test features in cognition research.’

“Definition of constructs, e.g., intelligence or creativity, forms the theoretical basis for test construction.” This mentions how creativity can help with problem solving and create a more direct space. Also “being well or ill-defined, is determined by the cognitive abilities considered to belong to the constructs, e.g., convergent thinking to intelligence, divergent thinking to creativity.”(JAARSVELD)’Importance of art & creativity. Creating awareness of diversity makes people richer. more open-minded and tolerant. Alejandro reminds us that art can. ‘a powerful means of criticism’ with which artists can raise awareness of hardships and impose pressure upon governments to end violence and ease suffering.” (ASHFAQ)

But also a down side of creativity , it can help contribute to isolation. For example if a child is artistic , they may spend all the time drawing and in their own world and miss out on many opportunities for socializing, going out , and making friends. Isolation for a teenager or a child should not be a concern for the age they are. Having a creative classes or a creative mind at a young age can lead to companies taking advantage , such as toy companies or creators and businesses that can start a child working at a young age. Also many people say that creativity is associated with dishonesty. For example, creativity requires the inability to suppress irrelevant thoughts and inappropriate ideas. And creative thinkers also tend to have poor impulse control.

Research has also found that creative people are narcissistic,and that narcissism can actually improve achieving goals Narcissistic people are not focused on others they are concerned mostly on themselves ,they are spontaneous and spend more time focused on what they can do and their own creativity and less time worrying about concerning of other people. However, it’s important to note that narcissists tend to think that they are far more creative In line, studies shows that even when narcissistic individuals are not more creative, they are better able to sell their ideas to others, creating, in effect, a self-fulfilling.

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The Value of Creativity Classes in Schools. (2021, Jun 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-value-of-creativity-classes-in-schools/

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