The Role of Professionalism, Etiquette and Ethics in the Workplace Argumentative Essay

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The definition of professionalism is the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. The disadvantages of not having professionalism is having the lack and motivation to get the job done in a timely manner. In other words, respecting company time by doing what your job requires and not doing your personal things on there time. Not being professional will eventually result in you being terminated from employment. The benefits of having professionalism is your always on time to work and your very eager to learn new things about the business as well as work hard and smart to achieve promotions and raises. Being professional consists of dressing and grooming yourself properly daily. I think being professional is the first impression a potential employer sees during the interview by how you dressed, communicated and handled the interview process.

I plan to show the employer that I have this useful skill by dressing professional, for example in a business suit. Also properly groom any facial hair as well as a clean haircut and hair done. Arrive 10-15 minutes early to the interview which will show that you can arrive on time and are dependable. During the interview avoid using any slang, profanity and sarcasm. These are the main points a potential employer will see that you are a professional and have professionalism. To convince the employer that you will utilize this skill, time management is very important to you. You will also come to work early and on time as well as if needed to stay a later then scheduled if your behind schedule on any given projects. This will show you’re a professional and dedicated to your career.


The definition of etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a profession or group. The disadvantages of not having etiquette can be very costly to a business. They can lose any potential sales or business if the employees don’t have proper manners and are nice to the customer or client. It can also increase business accidents and or lawsuits from customers or clients as well as possible current employees. The benefits of having proper etiquette and good manners create repeat and referral business, which in return it creates a lot of revenue for the business you’re in. Also, when your nice to people in return they are nice to you back and it reduces the risk of workplace accidents. Having Etiquette is a skill an employer strongly looks for to grow their business model and in return the employee will become a valuable asset to the company.

I plan to show an employer I have proper etiquette by staying calm and relaxed during the interview. Introduce yourself and give a proper handshake and eye contact. Then wait to be asked to take a seat or ask may I take seat if they employer forgets. Thanking them to take very valuable time out there day to invite me for an interview. To show an employer that you will use this skill on the job you let them know that the customer always comes first. Also let them know you will handle any situation that may arise in a calm and professional manner. Let the customer express their concern and you listen to what there are saying and not talk over them. While you’re listening, you need to find a resolution for the situation. Proper etiquette tells another person that you are a well-polished person and it shows you care how you act in public situations. Many individuals will take more notice to a person that cares about their own manners and often good opportunities may come there way in the way of a job offer or even any upcoming promotions or pay raises.


The definition of ethics is moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity. A disadvantage of having not having ethics in an extreme case is employee theft. In some businesses this can cost an employer a significant amount of money. Stealing company time is also bad ethics and employer often overlook candidates for this reason. As well as lying and cheating are bad ethics practices. Benefits of having proper ethics is being honest about their capabilities and experience. Employers consider employees that are perceived as a team player other then being out for themselves. In return an employer will trust the employee in return they can be trusted with confidential information. I think and strongly believe any employee that lack ethics become a huge liability for the business and in return it creates a high risk of being fired because the employee cannot be trusted.

To show the employer that you have this skill be honest with them what you know about the job and what you can accomplish. Let them know you are willing to learn to grow your knowledge and skill. A lot of employers take chances with candidates that have very little experience since they can coach and train them the way they want you to learn. At the end of the day is a risk they are willing to take in investing their time and money in you. Don’t lie or fabricate things you can’t do or previous job experiences on your resume. Honesty is the key in any business. What you need to tell the employer interviewing you that you will be honest in any given situation and not try to cover it up. You will work as a team to get the projects assigned to you accomplished in the given time frame as well


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The Role of Professionalism, Etiquette and Ethics in the Workplace Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-role-of-professionalism-etiquette-and-ethics-in-the-workplace/



What is ethics and professionalism in workplace interaction?
Ethics and professionalism in workplace interaction refer to the principles and standards that guide individuals in their behavior and communication with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders in the workplace. It involves upholding values such as honesty, respect, fairness, and accountability, and adhering to professional standards and codes of conduct.
What is professionalism and workplace etiquette?
Professionalism and workplace etiquette are important in the workplace because they help create a positive and respectful work environment.
Why is professionalism and ethics important in the workplace?
Professionalism and ethics are important in the workplace because they establish the standards for how employees are expected to behave. These standards help create a positive work environment and promote trust between employees and employers.
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