The Pillars of Society: Understanding Social Contract Theory

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A cornerstone of political and philosophical philosophy, the Social Contract Theory underpins the legitimacy of governments and the protection of individual liberties. It proposes that people form political communities by choosing to live under a set of shared norms and to take responsibility for each other’s safety.

Because of this, social contract theory is a crucial analytical tool for examining and understanding the political and social system in our immediate environment. The analysis of history is the main goal of this essay.

This essay will look at the social contract hypothesis’s background, many interpretations, and current applicability.

According to the social contract hypothesis, residents should give up some of their own freedoms in return for the state’s pledge to maintain order and avert anarchy.

Hobbes believed in an absolute monarchy guided by the necessity to control inherent human selfishness and brutality. Conversely, Locke and Rousseau proposed more democratic visions, asserting that the government’s power comes from the consent of the governed.

The Social Contract Theory is premised on a hypothetical or actual agreement between citizens and their government. Individuals surrender certain freedoms to the government in exchange for the protection of their remaining rights. This concept facilitates the understanding of why individuals agree to form societies and adopt particular forms of government.

The challenge lies in continually reassessing and renegotiating this ‘contract’ to ensure it remains representative and equitable in a rapidly evolving society.

In contrast, Locke and Rousseau put forward more democratic theories, arguing that the agreement of the governed is what gives the government its authority.

The foundation of the social contract theory is an imagined or real agreement between the people and their government. In return for the government’s protection of their remaining freedoms, people give up some of their liberties. This idea makes it easier to comprehend why people decide to build communities and choose various systems of governance.

It also forms the basis for contemporary legal and ethical systems, influencing how we see human rights and obligations.


The Social Contract Theory is a key component of contemporary political and ethical theory, to sum up. It offers a framework for comprehending how people interact with their governments and how to strike a balance between individual freedoms and societal accountability. The theory provides important insights into the underpinnings of society organization and the legitimacy of political authority, notwithstanding its shortcomings. To keep this “contract” equal and representational in a society that is quickly changing, the task is to constantly reevaluate and renegotiate it and forms.

The difficulty is in evaluating and renegotiating this ‘contract’ on a regular basis to make sure it continues to be representative and fair in a dynamic society.


  1. Hobbes’ “Leviathan” is an example.
  2. John Locke’s “Two Treatises of Government”.
  3. Rousseau’s “The Social Contract” was published.
  4. The authors of “The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls” are David Boucher and Paul Kelly.
  5. John Rawls’ “The Original Position”
  6. a variety of scholarly pieces from publications including “The Journal of Philosophy,” “Ethics,” and “Political Theory.”

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The Pillars of Society: Understanding Social Contract Theory. (2023, Jul 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-pillars-of-society-understanding-social-contract-theory/

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