The Major Flaws in The Literature

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Throughout the many pieces of writing that we have read this year none of the pieces that we read accurately depict human nature. In my opinion all of the pieces of writing that we read in class do not accurately depict human nature.

In our first unit that we read The Old Man and the Sea. This book does not depict human nature accurately. The old man is a fisherman. He has been unsuccessful in catching fish. Since he is old and has been a fisherman for such a Iong time he must know all of the tricks and would be able to catch fish on a regular basis. Generally when you get that old you do not do the same thing for so long and keep failing at it. This does not depict human nature. When people have failed at the same thing for such a long time they will generally change what they are doing until they find something that works. To conclude, this book does not depict human nature.

In our second unit we read the book A Separate Piece. This book also does not depict human nature. In the book there is one scene in particular that does not depict human nature. Finny decides to try to beat the school record in swimming and he does but the only person there to witness it is Gene. Gene then tells him that he should do it again with enough witnesses there to make it official but Finny does not want to. This does not depict human nature. When people do something the best the want to be not only recognized but know for it. When Finny and his friends were playing games he always made sure that everyone played and had a fair shot. Finny never bragged that he was better than the others. This shows us that he never made a point of having everyone know that he is better than everyone else. Therefore, this does not depict human nature accurately. To sum up, A Separate Piece does not depict human nature accurately.

In our third unit we read Romeo and Juliet. This play does not depict human nature accurately. In the play Romeo and Juliet fall in love but their parents are enemies. Their parents do not approve of them getting married. I think that parents truly want what is best for their kids and want them to be happy, therefore this would not make sense for the parents to not want them to live a happy life. Another thing that does not depict human nature is that Romeo and Juliet want to get married the following day after they meet. No one in real life does this. This does not depict human nature because humans are more cautious and do not make big decisions that fast. To Conclude, Romeo and Juliet do not depict human nature accurately.

In our fourth unit we read A Modest Proposal. In this piece of writing the author makes some ridiculous claims. The first thing that stood out to me is that families should not be able to decide if they want to keep their young children. I think that this does not depict human nature accurately.I do not think that families would let that happen to them voluntarily. Another example that does not depict human nature is the solution that the author gives. He suggests that many of the young kids that are born should be killed and used for food and clothes. This does not depict human nature. Human nature does not make people want to kill babies. To conclude, even though this is a satire this does not depict human nature.

All four of these units do not depict human nature accurately. All of the stories have major flaws that make them bad examples of human nature. In addition, most of the stories are not realistic. Most of them are not relatable and therefore don’t make good examples for human nature. To sum up, all four of these units are bad examples of human nature.

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The Major Flaws in The Literature. (2023, Apr 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-major-flaws-in-the-literature/

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