The Johnson And Johnson Tylenol Crisis: A Crisis of Reputation and a Solution

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First of all, I would like to start by saying that one of the important things in any company is the reputation, because sometime the measurement of company’s success is the number of customers, and number of customers will increase and decrease depends on the good or bad reputation. However, what could effect a company’s good reputation? Many reasons like problem in the production, the way that the company treats workers, the administration problems, low work quality…etc. But sometime the problem that lead to have a bad reputation will not happen from the company its self, but from the places that sales this company’s production, like what happened with the Johnson And Johnson Tylenol Crisis. Many company had crisis like Walmart asks employees to donate food to their coworkers. And Costco’s chicken problem.

The Johnson And Johnson Tylenol Crisis, in my opinion the best way that Johnson And Johnson Tylenol could follow it to solve the problem of reputation is first to make an meeting immediately with the phamacy to understand everything about the mistake and to make everything more clear. After that, make a journalism conference to explain what exactly happen, and to apologize even if the mistake wasn’t from the company.

Walmart crisis start when Oklahoma City Walmart asks employees to donate food to help feed their coworkers, which is something have two opinion, first one is that good idea that make the worker in the same place help each other, but the other opinion that many people agree with it is that a really bad move to Walmart because it is make the economical reputation so weak, and this reputation will effect a lot even if someone need a job and apply to work in Walmart, and maybe this person will ask him/her self how I will work for company will make me pay for other worker.

Costco’s chicken salad is the culprit in many states like California, Washington, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Missouri and Virginia. Nineteen people have been infected with the outbreak strain. Moreover, five have been hospitalized and two developed a form of kidney failure. Many epidemiologists said that the chicken salad that in Costco is the caused. Costco removed all the chicken salad, and they stopped production. In my opinion this crisis will affect a lot in Costco reputation, how many people from different ages and countries that were trust Costco product and they were found it cheap and healthy would trust it again.

Is so hard for any business or company to lose the reputation because if people have a bad reputation about something, how they will trust the product or service? In addition, sometime in many business they wrote (the customer first) ok yes customers are important, but I heard once from someone that (the employee first) and it’s really make a lot of sense, because if the employee or worker is feel comfortable and happy in there job, it is will effect the costumers and make them happy and trust the business, and costumers will thought that if this business gives worker all the rights that they need it, it is will give me too all what I need. Many company like Walmart miss this point and sadly find it not important. One of the success continence is make your staff in your company happy and they work because they love their job not because you pay for them, this way might make your job away from making small mistakes that will have a huge effect in your business reputation.

Finally, Johnson And Johnson Tylenol, Walmart and Costco are huge companies. This crisis should affect their job because people affect it from it. Johnson And Johnson Tylenol the mistake wasn’t from the same company but still they have a huge lose for problem like this. Walmart from long time they didn’t care for the most important things, which is their worker, making employees donate to coworkers have a bad feedback from many people. And Costco chicken salad that many people from different states in USA effect it from it, make people think more and more about going again to the store.

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The Johnson And Johnson Tylenol Crisis: A Crisis of Reputation and a Solution. (2023, Apr 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-johnson-and-johnson-tylenol-crisis-a-crisis-of-reputation-and-a-solution/

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