The Impact of Diversity on Education

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Diversity has become something of a trend nowadays because everywhere you go you see people of different kinds. Everyone needs equal opportunity and diversity plays an important role in that aspect. From a government level to corporate to even colleges and high school, diversity has become an important part of their structure. Tina Korbe mentions something about diversity in her article where she compares cupcake sales from two colleges and also looks at how it affects the education at the first place[t).

Korbe looks at the college admission structure and how diversity plays a role in it. It states various arguments and uses various evidence to support her claim. This is more based towards presenting hard factual data than presenting one’s own views towards its. It also looks at how college education has progressed and how people are getting adopted to it. Korbe uses one part of her argument as a transition to introduce another claim to it. There is a more balanced outlook to it where she tries to be in both sides but in a way she does not agree with one completely. The pricing structures at University of California-Berkeley represented something of a mishap according to their ‘affirmative action’. Now, Fordham University wanted to have a real bake sale where the price structure were not biased nor influenced. They called it the “The Real Affirmative Action Bake Sale.” Affirmative action is one of the important terms used by Korbe in this post as she indirectly points out the basic problem with it. The same problem that former President Lyndon Johnson quoted as “You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say you are free to compete with all the others, and still just believe that you have been completely fair”[Zac14]. It means affirmative action does not guarantee equal results but is there to take out the barriers that divide people. It will clear the problem but the people have to do the rest of the work.

College education is the focus of the argument. The reason for Korbe’s influence towards Fordham delivers both aspects: the good and the bad. The good being that minorities receives advantages and the bad being that college education has gone from an academic-meritocratic system to a different less education system [t). One thing that Korbe does well is she uses evidence to support her claim, not just one but in every single point she makes. The general purpose of this article is intended towards the young audience but it also reaches towards the grown-ups. There are some terms which might seem to confuse the younger audience but Korbe looks for a diverse crowd. She mentions in the article that she would like to experience college which shows her youthful side but as always looks at the downside as well. This helps her to connect with the audience. However, in this piece as well she uses another source; this time referring to Charles Murray. She sides with Murray to analyze how kids can provide other abilities to society without being a college graduate[t]. It does not go with the flow as it tries to go against the traditional norms and the way of doing it.

There is a use of a lot of references in this piece and every claim that she puts up has a backup source to it. From using Mark Naison’s explanation where Naison himself is using other’s work as a source to agreeing with Charles Murray. Murray points out towards the ‘college experience’ which Korbe agrees upon as she herself is a college graduate. She also expresses her own views towards the end as part of her logic. The example of the college student-athletes is an interesting one as she points out where the athletes are sent to college to play as well study to get a degree She admits Murray’s view to be controversial and dramatic which plays to her work because she sides with people wh0 relate towards that aspect of writing. The logos aspect of the writing is what makes the article strong and the way of presenting these sources is what makes it unique.

However, there is a lack of logical reasoning in the article which is why she tries to use a different style to influence people to read it. Korbe arrives back to the subject of college education where there is less emphasis given towards diversity and more towards the basic college structure. The idea of having people not going to college to pursue their ‘nonacademic abilities’ and blend in the society might sound a little weird at first but in her argument she does prove a point. It shows a competitive side to her writing. The way in which Korbe has related the pieces in this article as it has included basic aspects in the college structure. The simple and methodical style which has linked the article together brings out a different conclusion to the ones people are expecting.

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The Impact of Diversity on Education. (2023, Apr 01). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-impact-of-diversity-on-education/

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